LUGLI, Stefano
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 15.203
EU - Europa 14.465
AS - Asia 3.615
SA - Sud America 249
AF - Africa 62
OC - Oceania 33
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 18
Totale 33.645
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 15.130
IT - Italia 6.044
GB - Regno Unito 3.968
CN - Cina 1.105
SG - Singapore 1.076
SE - Svezia 925
HK - Hong Kong 693
DE - Germania 680
UA - Ucraina 679
RU - Federazione Russa 387
TR - Turchia 382
FR - Francia 361
FI - Finlandia 273
BG - Bulgaria 211
NL - Olanda 211
BR - Brasile 198
ES - Italia 194
ID - Indonesia 89
CH - Svizzera 78
IE - Irlanda 57
MT - Malta 54
BE - Belgio 53
CA - Canada 53
VN - Vietnam 47
GR - Grecia 45
PL - Polonia 42
IN - India 40
JP - Giappone 37
RO - Romania 33
AT - Austria 31
IL - Israele 31
AU - Australia 29
PT - Portogallo 27
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 22
EU - Europa 17
NG - Nigeria 17
AR - Argentina 15
IR - Iran 15
LT - Lituania 15
KR - Corea 14
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 13
DK - Danimarca 13
EC - Ecuador 11
EG - Egitto 9
MX - Messico 9
MY - Malesia 9
NO - Norvegia 9
UZ - Uzbekistan 9
AL - Albania 8
BD - Bangladesh 8
DZ - Algeria 8
ZA - Sudafrica 8
CY - Cipro 7
HR - Croazia 7
PE - Perù 7
CL - Cile 6
CO - Colombia 6
HU - Ungheria 6
KE - Kenya 6
MA - Marocco 6
PH - Filippine 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
IQ - Iraq 5
RS - Serbia 5
TW - Taiwan 5
MD - Moldavia 4
PA - Panama 4
SM - San Marino 4
EE - Estonia 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
LV - Lettonia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PK - Pakistan 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
TH - Thailandia 3
BJ - Benin 2
BO - Bolivia 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
HN - Honduras 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
NP - Nepal 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SI - Slovenia 2
UY - Uruguay 2
VE - Venezuela 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AG - Antigua e Barbuda 1
AM - Armenia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
GE - Georgia 1
GT - Guatemala 1
JE - Jersey 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LR - Liberia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
Totale 33.640
Città #
Southend 3.309
Santa Clara 1.902
Fairfield 1.674
Chandler 1.239
Woodbridge 941
Jacksonville 930
Houston 879
Ashburn 869
Wilmington 760
Dearborn 758
Singapore 702
Hong Kong 679
Seattle 609
Nyköping 523
Cambridge 522
Ann Arbor 500
Modena 484
Beijing 350
Bologna 346
London 304
Milan 284
Rome 276
Princeton 222
Sofia 206
Izmir 195
Eugene 181
San Diego 167
Kiev 165
Parma 155
Council Bluffs 140
Redwood City 121
Moscow 113
New York 111
Helsinki 110
Palermo 103
Des Moines 91
Florence 90
Jakarta 86
Turin 76
Catania 67
Reggio Emilia 61
Falls Church 49
Shanghai 48
Naples 47
Padova 47
Dublin 45
Dong Ket 44
Bari 41
Norwalk 38
Leawood 35
Dallas 32
Frankfurt am Main 32
Madrid 32
Ferrara 31
Hefei 31
Nanjing 31
Verona 31
Torino 30
Brussels 29
Boardman 28
Bristol 27
Los Angeles 27
Bremen 25
Kunming 25
Piacenza 25
Guangzhou 24
Mountain View 23
Pavia 23
Toronto 23
Pisa 22
Munich 21
Trieste 20
Forlì 19
Mantova 19
Amsterdam 18
Athens 18
Genoa 18
Lainate 18
Napoli 18
Reggio Nell'emilia 18
Aversa 17
Chengdu 17
Kilburn 17
São Paulo 17
Formigine 16
Livorno 16
Pescara 16
Siena 16
Wuhan 16
Almería 15
Granada 15
Nuremberg 15
Perugia 15
Ravenna 15
Segrate 15
Zurich 15
Calvisano 14
Casalgrande 14
Castenaso 14
Indiana 14
Totale 22.741
Nome #
La storia geologica dei gessi triassici della Val Secchia 841
Multidisciplinary geological excursion in the open-air laboratory of the Island of Malta. 11-18 November 2010. Field-Trip Guide. 774
Il gesso in natura e nell’arte 757
Efficient recycling of nutrients in modern and past hypersaline environments 509
Archeologia del gesso in Sicilia Il complesso Grotte Inferno a Cattolica Eraclea 414
I Beni Geologici della Provincia di Modena 376
La Chiesa Madre di Palma di Montechiaro, “le tozze colonne di marmo rosso” del Gattopardo... che marmo non è 325
Le facies evaporitiche della crisi di salinità messiniana: radioattività naturale della Formazione Gessoso-Solfifera della Maiella (Abruzzo, Italia centrale) 287
Palaeoenvironmental setting and depositional model of upper Messinian microbialites of the Salento Peninsula (Southern Italy): A central Mediterranean Terminal Carbonate Complex 285
Mutina sepolta: inquadramento geologico dell’area urbana di Modena 279
Caratteristiche sedimentologiche dei depositi di ventaglio di rotta prodotti dal Fiume Secchia durante l’alluvione del 19 gennaio 2014 278
Alluvial sand composition as a tool to unravel the Late Quaternary sedimentation of the Modena Plain, northern Italy 275
Timing of post-depositional events in the Burano Formation of the Secchia valley (Upper Triassic, Northern Apennines), clues from gypsum-anhydrite transitions and carbonate metasomatism 274
Sedimentology and composition of sands injected during the seismic crisis of May 2012 (Emilia, Italy): clues for source layer identification and liquefaction regime 272
Evoluzione sedimentaria del centro storico di Modena nel tardo Quaternario 266
Le cave di gesso nel comune di Vezzano sul Crostoso, 700 anni di storia. 262
Archeometria della pittura parietale a Reggio Emilia: gli intonaci dipinti dello scavo di Palazzo Mogardini 258
Fabrics and archaeological facies in northern Italy: an integrated approach to technological and stylistic choices of Bronze Age pottery production 257
AMS radiocarbon dating of mortar: The case study of the medieval UNESCO site of Modena 255
Integrated stratigraphy and paleoceanographic evolution of the pre-evaporitic phase of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean as recorded in the Tokhni section (Cyprus island) 250
Geology of the Realmonte salt deposit, a desiccated Messinian Basin (Agrigento, Sicily) 246
The Messinian salt of the Mediterranean: geochemical study of the salt from the Central Sicily Basin and comparison with the Lorca basin (Spain) 244
New insights into the genesis of the Miocene collapse structures of the island of Gozo (Malta, central Mediterranean Sea) 240
Reperti lapidei di età romana rinvenuti a Fornovo Taro: provenienza e circolazione 239
A new facies model for the Upper Gypsum (Sicily, Italy): chronological and palaeoenvironmental constraints for the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean 238
The deep record of the Messinian salinity crisis: Evidence of a non-desiccated Mediterranean Sea 237
Pottery production in the Po valley during the Bronze age: an archaeometrical approach to the terramare society 231
The Messinian "Calcare di Base" (Sicily, Italy) revisited 231
Biomarker records and mineral compositions of the Messinian halite and K–Mg salts from Sicily 228
Sistemi di chiusura degli spazi finestrati nell’Altomedioevo: transenne di finestra in pietra e in stucco di gesso e lapis specularis 226
Are climate warming and enhanced atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen threatening tufa landscapes in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China? 222
The Messinian salinity crisis in Cyprus: a further step towards a new stratigraphic framework for Eastern Mediterranean 221
Gypsum-anhydrite transformations in Messinian evaporites of central Tuscany (Italy) 221
Giacitura e origine dei cristalli gessosi di lapis specularis nell’area mediterranea 220
Isotope stratigraphy (87Sr/86Sr, δ18O, δ13C) of the Sorbas basin (Betic Cordillera, Spain): Paleoceanographic evolution across the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis 218
A record of the Messinian salinity crisis in the eastern Ionian tectonically active domain (Greece, eastern Mediterranean) 214
Comment on “Carbonate deposition and diagenesis in evaporitic environments: The evaporative and sulphur-bearing limestones during the settlement of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in Sicily and Calabria” by Caruso et al., 2015. Palaeo3, 429, 136–162 209
Intra-Messinian truncation surface in the Levant Basin explained by subaqueous dissolution 206
Sulle tracce del sale. Mostra, approfondimenti scientifici, conversazioni informali e assaggi. Museo Universitario "Gemma 1786", Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, maggio-giugno 2006 205
Blast-induced liquefaction in silty sands for full-scale testing of ground improvement methods: Insights from a multidisciplinary study 204
Petrographic, REE, fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of magnesite from the Upper Triassic Burano Evaporites (Secchia Valley, northern Apennines): contributions from sedimentary, hydrothermal and metasomatic sources 203
Inquadramento geologico della Pianura Padana 201
The onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the deep Eastern Mediterranean basin 201
Remarks on the messinian evaporites of Zakynthos island (Ionian sea, eastern Mediterranean) 201
Seasonal Pattern In the High-Elevation Fluvial Travertine From the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, Southwestern China 200
Aiding and abetting the archaeological enquiry: geochemical work-in-progress at the site of San Vincenzo, Stromboli, Aeolian Islands, Italy 199
La grandiosa rosa di pietra. Analisi litologica del rosone del Duomo di Modena 199
An X-ray spectroscopic perspective on Messinian evaporite from Sicily: Sedimentary fabrics, element distributions, and chemical environments of S and Mg 199
Evaporation of marine basins: a review of evaporite formation and Messinian Salinity Crisis 198
La Torre Ghirlandina, il restauro e il terremoto 196
The Messinian salinity crisis: open problems and possible implications for Mediterranean petroleum systems 195
Petrography and geochemistry of the Eugui magnesite deposit (Western Pyrenees, Spain): Evidence for the development of a peculiar zebra banding by dolomite replacement 194
Dense shelf water cascading and Messinian Canyons: A new scenario for the Mediterranean salinity crisis 193
The Messinian Salinity Crisis: Past and future of a great challenge for marine sciences 192
The record of Messinian events in the Northern Apennines foredeep basins 190
Conquests of the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve. A World Heritage Site at the edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (China) 189
La "selce dei Crivellari": appunti sulla silice (calcedonio, selce e quarzo) nella Vena del Gesso romagnola 188
How dry was the Mediterranean during the Messinian salinity crisis? 187
Archaeometrical investigations of Impasto pottery from Terramara of Gorzano (Modena, Italy) 185
The Realmonte salt deposit (Agrigento, Sicily): geology and exploitation. 183
Il Complesso Monumentale dell’Ospitale di Rubiera: analisi composizionale e provenienza del materiale lapideo 182
I depositi tardo-messiniani di Savignano sul Panaro (Appennino modenese) 181
Archaeological and volcanological investigation at Stromboli, Aeolian Islands, Italy 181
Characterization of sulfate mineral deposits in central Thailand 178
Did Late Miocene (Messinian) gypsum precipitate from evaporated marine brines? Insights from the Piedmont Basin (Italy) 178
Age refinement of the Messinian salinity crisis onset in the Mediterranean 177
The record of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy): The Alba section revisited 176
Recognition of ancient fires in archaeological sites containing gypsum rocks. 174
Archaeometrical investigation on Bronze age pottery from Po valley. 173
A shallow water record of the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Adriatic foredeep (Legnagnone section, Northern Apennines) 173
A high-resolution stratigraphic framework for the latest Messinian events in the Mediterranean area. 172
A Chronology of Ancient Earthquake Damage in the Modena Cathedral (Italy): Integrated Dating of Mortars (14C, Pollen Record) and Bricks (TL) 172
Deep-water clastic evaporites deposition in the Messinian Adriatic foredeep (northern Apennines, Italy): did the Mediterranean ever dry out? 171
Ribosomal RNA gene fragments from fossilized cyanobacteria identified in primary gypsum from the late Miocene, Italy 170
Composizione dei sedimenti sabbiosi nelle perforazioni lungo il tracciato ferroviario ad alta velocità: indicazioni preliminari sull'evoluzione sedimentaria della media pianura modenese 166
The Terminal Carbonate Complex: the record of sea-level changes during the Messinian salinity crisis 165
Il Lapis specularis a Pompei ed Ercolano 165
Messinian carbonate-rich beds of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy): Microbially-mediated products straddling the onset of the salinity crisis 162
Radiocarbon Dating Historical Mortars: Lime Lumps and/or Binder Carbonate? 161
High-resolution strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Messinian deep Mediterranean basins: Implications for marginal to central basins correlation 160
The Messinian Sicilian stratigraphy revisited: new insights for the Messinian salinity crisis 159
Caratterizzazione geologico-petrografica dell’alabastro gessoso delle urne cinerarie etrusche come strumento di studio sulla loro provenienza. 159
Building materials and degradation phenomena of the Finale Emilia Town Hall (Modena): An archaeometric study for the restoration project after the 2012 earthquake 159
Evidence of Clastic Evaporites In the Canyons of the Levant Basin (Israel): Implications For the Messinian Salinity Crisis 157
Caratteristiche e provenienza dei marmi 157
Miocene to Pleistocene osmium isotopic records of the Mediterranean sediments 157
Reconstructing the sedimentation history of an alluvial plain by sand composition investigations: the Modena case study 156
I materiali da costruzione nell'interno della torre: le pietre, i mattoni, le malte, gli intonaci 156
The Pietra di Vicenza microfacies: recognizing the provenance of building stones from the Cathedral and the Ghirlandina Tower (Modena, Italy). 155
Flocculent layers and bacterial mats in the mudstone interbeds of the Primary Lower Gypsum unit (Tertiary Piedmont basin, NW Italy): Archives of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Messinian salinity crisis 155
Geologia dei Gessi di Brisighella e Rontana 153
High-frequency cyclicity in the Mediterranean Messinian evaporites: evidence for solar-lunar climate forcing 151
3D Geological model reconstruction for liquefaction hazard assessment in the Po Plain 150
Le pietre, le malte e il degrado della Torre Ghirlandina 149
Mortar OSL and brick TL dating: The case study of the UNESCO world heritage site of Modena 149
The origin of the gypsum alabaster spheroids in the Messinian evaporites from Castellina Marittima (Pisa, Italy): preliminary observations 148
The Primary Lower Gypsum in the Mediterranean: A new facies interpretation for the first stage of the Messinian salinity crisis 147
Grotta dell’Acqua Mintina a peculiar geosite with the smell of sulfur 145
The impressive stone variety on the walls of the Ghirlandina Tower: a world record for the Modena UNESCO Site? 144
Totale 22.412
Categoria #
all - tutte 119.440
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 119.440

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 664 270 385 234
2020/20214.953 446 318 392 360 475 403 380 476 283 568 543 309
2021/20223.924 192 440 304 317 172 208 187 303 459 329 597 416
2022/20234.423 440 467 293 404 412 608 170 425 579 158 282 185
2023/20243.674 211 231 242 316 508 250 563 407 160 181 245 360
2024/20256.128 341 308 344 705 1.652 1.173 656 571 378 0 0 0
Totale 34.021