Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 47.142
EU - Europa 21.833
AS - Asia 8.634
SA - Sud America 102
OC - Oceania 89
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 74
AF - Africa 62
Totale 77.936
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 46.854
GB - Regno Unito 6.541
IT - Italia 6.014
CN - Cina 3.126
SE - Svezia 2.540
DE - Germania 2.532
SG - Singapore 1.734
HK - Hong Kong 1.527
UA - Ucraina 1.062
TR - Turchia 835
FI - Finlandia 752
FR - Francia 549
BG - Bulgaria 506
JP - Giappone 264
CA - Canada 242
RU - Federazione Russa 219
IE - Irlanda 213
IN - India 205
VN - Vietnam 200
KR - Corea 198
NL - Olanda 181
ID - Indonesia 154
BE - Belgio 129
RO - Romania 101
TW - Taiwan 97
ES - Italia 84
AU - Australia 72
CH - Svizzera 69
MY - Malesia 67
BR - Brasile 65
EU - Europa 58
PL - Polonia 58
IR - Iran 50
LT - Lituania 47
AT - Austria 41
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 41
IL - Israele 35
GR - Grecia 33
PK - Pakistan 28
DK - Danimarca 27
MX - Messico 26
PT - Portogallo 25
CL - Cile 19
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 17
PH - Filippine 17
EG - Egitto 16
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 15
BD - Bangladesh 15
BZ - Belize 15
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 13
DZ - Algeria 12
NO - Norvegia 12
HR - Croazia 11
SA - Arabia Saudita 11
RS - Serbia 10
KZ - Kazakistan 9
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 9
TN - Tunisia 9
ZA - Sudafrica 9
HU - Ungheria 8
IQ - Iraq 8
LU - Lussemburgo 7
CO - Colombia 6
PE - Perù 6
TH - Thailandia 6
KH - Cambogia 5
AL - Albania 4
AR - Argentina 4
EE - Estonia 4
MA - Marocco 4
AM - Armenia 3
BH - Bahrain 3
BY - Bielorussia 3
CY - Cipro 3
ET - Etiopia 3
MD - Moldavia 3
MN - Mongolia 3
SC - Seychelles 3
SI - Slovenia 3
BB - Barbados 2
GE - Georgia 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PA - Panama 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
VE - Venezuela 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BJ - Benin 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
IS - Islanda 1
KE - Kenya 1
LV - Lettonia 1
LY - Libia 1
OM - Oman 1
QA - Qatar 1
SD - Sudan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 77.936
Città #
Fairfield 6.581
Southend 5.322
Woodbridge 4.073
Chandler 3.926
Ashburn 3.444
Houston 3.332
Seattle 2.548
Ann Arbor 2.243
Jacksonville 2.236
Cambridge 2.221
Wilmington 2.095
Beijing 1.700
Dearborn 1.643
Nyköping 1.603
Modena 1.516
Hong Kong 1.345
Singapore 1.248
Boardman 683
San Diego 662
Princeton 544
Sofia 501
Izmir 464
Eugene 398
Helsinki 370
Des Moines 315
Milan 307
New York 306
Bologna 266
London 255
Fremont 220
Redwood City 196
Bremen 195
Dong Ket 156
Dublin 149
Buffalo 147
Jakarta 147
Parma 140
Falls Church 138
Reggio Emilia 119
Grafing 117
Shanghai 115
Rome 113
Ottawa 112
Norwalk 104
Nanjing 102
Brussels 97
Hefei 77
Tokyo 74
Munich 73
Phoenix 72
Verona 68
Florence 65
Kilburn 64
Los Angeles 64
Guangzhou 63
Bomporto 57
San Jose 56
Menlo Park 53
Kunming 52
Taipei 52
Amsterdam 49
Pisa 49
Chiswick 46
Toronto 46
Frankfurt am Main 45
Naples 43
Santa Clara 41
Turin 41
Jinan 37
Prescot 37
Wuhan 37
Indiana 36
Kraków 36
Bari 34
Formigine 34
Hangzhou 34
Dallas 33
Hounslow 33
Padova 33
Timisoara 33
Trento 32
Zurich 32
Paris 31
San Francisco 31
San Mateo 30
Chicago 29
Chengdu 28
Varese 28
Central 27
Seoul 27
Sassuolo 26
São Paulo 26
Mountain View 25
Sydney 25
Tulare 25
Hanoi 24
Auburn Hills 22
Changsha 22
Dongguan 22
Reggio Nell'emilia 22
Totale 56.715
Nome #
SHREC 2019 Track: Online Gesture Recognition 404
Latent Space Autoregression for Novelty Detection 368
Fully Convolutional Network for Head Detection with Depth Images 365
Attentive Models in Vision: Computing Saliency Maps in the Deep Learning Era 356
Artpedia: A New Visual-Semantic Dataset with Visual and Contextual Sentences in the Artistic Domain 334
What was Monet seeing while painting? Translating artworks to photo-realistic images 331
Video synthesis from Intensity and Event Frames 331
End-to-end 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation through Differentiable Rasterization 321
A Transformer-Based Network for Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition 314
Modeling Multimodal Cues in a Deep Learning-based Framework for Emotion Recognition in the Wild 313
Automatic Image Cropping and Selection using Saliency: an Application to Historical Manuscripts 303
Hands on the wheel: a Dataset for Driver Hand Detection and Tracking 303
Spotting prejudice with nonverbal behaviours 294
Mercury: a vision-based framework for Driver Monitoring 294
Show, Control and Tell: A Framework for Generating Controllable and Grounded Captions 293
Comportamento non verbale intergruppi “oggettivo”: una replica dello studio di Dovidio, kawakami e Gaertner (2002) 292
Understanding social relationships in egocentric vision 285
Predicting Human Eye Fixations via an LSTM-based Saliency Attentive Model 285
Affective level design for a role-playing videogame evaluated by a brain–computer interface and machine learning methods 285
Body Part Based Re-identification from an Egocentric Perspective 283
Layout analysis and content classification in digitized books 279
Watch Your Strokes: Improving Handwritten Text Recognition with Deformable Convolutions 277
An Indoor Location-aware System for an IoT-based Smart Museum 272
M-VAD Names: a Dataset for Video Captioning with Naming 271
Attentive Models in Vision: Computing Saliency Maps in the Deep Learning Era 271
Safe-CLIP: Removing NSFW Concepts from Vision-and-Language Models 270
Predicting the Driver's Focus of Attention: the DR(eye)VE Project 270
Recognizing social relationships from an egocentric vision perspective 269
GOLD: Gaussians of Local Descriptors for Image Representation 266
Hierarchical Boundary-Aware Neural Encoder for Video Captioning 265
Visual-Semantic Alignment Across Domains Using a Semi-Supervised Approach 264
Explaining Digital Humanities by Aligning Images and Textual Descriptions 262
Manual Annotations on Depth Maps for Human Pose Estimation 261
Using Kinect camera for investigating intergroup non-verbal human interactions 260
Face-from-Depth for Head Pose Estimation on Depth Images 256
Historical Document Digitization through Layout Analysis and Deep Content Classification 252
Domain Translation with Conditional GANs: from Depth to RGB Face-to-Face 251
Image-to-Image Translation to Unfold the Reality of Artworks: an Empirical Analysis 250
A Hough transform-based method for radial lens distortion correction 248
Layout analysis and content enrichment of digitized books 247
From Ego to Nos-Vision: Detecting Social Relationships in First-Person Views 246
Multi-Level Net: a Visual Saliency Prediction Model 245
SARC3D: a new 3D body model for People Tracking and Re-identification 243
DR(eye)VE: a Dataset for Attention-Based Tasks with Applications to Autonomous and Assisted Driving 243
Optimizing image registration for interactive applications 242
A General-Purpose Sensing Floor Architecture for Human-Environment Interaction 242
A Deep Multi-Level Network for Saliency Prediction 241
LAMV: Learning to align and match videos with kernelized temporal layers 240
Recognizing and Presenting the Storytelling Video Structure with Deep Multimodal Networks 239
Analysis and Re-use of Videos in Educational Digital Libraries with Automatic Scene Detection 239
Wearable Vision for Retrieving Architectural Details in Augmented Tourist Experiences 237
A Video Library System Using Scene Detection and Automatic Tagging 236
Gesture Recognition using Wearable Vision Sensors to Enhance Visitors' Museum Experiences 234
Aligning Text and Document Illustrations: towards Visually Explainable Digital Humanities 234
Can adversarial networks hallucinate occluded people with a plausible aspect? 234
Egocentric Object Tracking: An Odometry-Based Solution 233
Self-Supervised Optical Flow Estimation by Projective Bootstrap 233
Hand Segmentation for Gesture Recognition in EGO-Vision 232
Shot and Scene Detection via Hierarchical Clustering for Re-using Broadcast Video 232
Visual Saliency for Image Captioning in New Multimedia Services 230
A Browsing and Retrieval System for Broadcast Videos using Scene Detection and Automatic Annotation 230
A complete system for garment segmentation and color classification 229
Head Pose Estimation in First-Person Camera Views 229
Art2Real: Unfolding the Reality of Artworks via Semantically-Aware Image-to-Image Translation 229
Video registration in egocentric vision under day and night illumination changes 228
Generative Adversarial Models for People Attribute Recognition in Surveillance 228
Alignment-based Similarity of People Trajectories using Semi-directional Statistics 227
POSEidon: Face-from-Depth for Driver Pose Estimation 227
SAM: Pushing the Limits of Saliency Prediction Models 227
A Distributed Outdoor Video Surveillance System for Detection of Abnormal People Trajectories 226
Smoke detection in video surveillance: A MoG model in the wavelet domain 226
A location-aware architecture for an IoT-based smart museum 226
From Depth Data to Head Pose Estimation: a Siamese approach 226
Learning to Detect and Track Visible and Occluded Body Joints in a Virtual World 226
Measuring scene detection performance 224
Hand Gestures for the Human-Car Interaction: the Briareo dataset 224
Learning to Map Vehicles into Bird's Eye View 224
A Markerless Approach for Consistent Action Recognition in a Multi-camera System 223
Context Change Detection for an Ultra-Low Power Low-Resolution Ego-Vision Imager 223
Innovative IoT-aware Services for a Smart Museum 223
A new algorithm for border description of polarized light surface microscopic images of pigmented skin lesions 222
Foreword by general chairs 222
FashionSearch++: Improving Consumer-to-Shop Clothes Retrieval with Hard Negatives 222
Tracking social groups within and across cameras 221
Detection of Human Movements with Pressure Floor Sensors 219
HECOL: Homography and Epipolar-based Consistent Labeling for Outdoor Park Surveillance 218
Learning People Trajectories using Semi-directional Statistics 218
Head Detection with Depth Images in the Wild 218
Active query process for digital video surveillance forensic applications 217
Socially Constrained Structural Learning for Groups Detection in Crowd 217
Fast gesture recognition with Multiple StreamDiscrete HMMs on 3D Skeletons 217
Towards Cycle-Consistent Models for Text and Image Retrieval 216
Motion Segmentation using Visual and Bio-mechanical Features 216
Mapping Appearance Descriptors on 3D Body Models for People Re-identification 215
Visual Tracking: An Experimental Survey 215
RefiNet: 3D Human Pose Refinement with Depth Maps 214
A Fast Approach for Integrating ORB Descriptors in the Bag of Words Model 213
Gesture Recognition in Ego-Centric Videos using Dense Trajectories and Hand Segmentation 212
A Deep Siamese Network for Scene Detection in Broadcast Videos 212
Optimized Block-based Connected Components Labeling with Decision Trees 211
Totale 25.230
Categoria #
all - tutte 328.934
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 328.934

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202013.010 0 0 578 1.129 1.882 2.674 2.301 1.308 1.256 480 777 625
2020/202113.869 1.028 465 980 982 1.108 1.891 1.221 1.432 892 1.962 950 958
2021/202212.595 699 998 1.040 560 408 800 714 623 1.286 1.104 3.096 1.267
2022/202311.079 1.309 1.289 796 1.010 1.339 1.590 237 1.078 1.401 194 457 379
2023/20248.028 498 499 946 937 1.483 591 638 783 206 388 317 742
2024/20252.484 1.632 572 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 79.203