CACCIARI, Cristina
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.902
NA - Nord America 11.556
AS - Asia 2.141
SA - Sud America 68
AF - Africa 37
OC - Oceania 29
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 25.736
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.505
IT - Italia 7.008
GB - Regno Unito 1.528
SE - Svezia 893
CN - Cina 671
SG - Singapore 657
DE - Germania 588
UA - Ucraina 422
TR - Turchia 310
FR - Francia 286
FI - Finlandia 226
HK - Hong Kong 187
RU - Federazione Russa 180
BG - Bulgaria 140
PL - Polonia 108
JP - Giappone 81
NL - Olanda 77
ES - Italia 66
CH - Svizzera 65
ID - Indonesia 52
BE - Belgio 48
CA - Canada 37
IN - India 35
BR - Brasile 32
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 30
HR - Croazia 30
IE - Irlanda 26
RS - Serbia 24
PT - Portogallo 22
VN - Vietnam 21
AT - Austria 20
LT - Lituania 20
AU - Australia 18
IL - Israele 18
KR - Corea 18
AL - Albania 16
RO - Romania 16
IR - Iran 15
NO - Norvegia 14
GR - Grecia 13
TW - Taiwan 13
EG - Egitto 12
IQ - Iraq 12
MX - Messico 12
AR - Argentina 9
CL - Cile 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
PK - Pakistan 9
DZ - Algeria 8
PE - Perù 8
SA - Arabia Saudita 8
ME - Montenegro 6
MY - Malesia 6
AM - Armenia 5
GE - Georgia 5
SI - Slovenia 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 4
EE - Estonia 4
HU - Ungheria 4
MA - Marocco 4
CO - Colombia 3
DK - Danimarca 3
EC - Ecuador 3
EU - Europa 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
MD - Moldavia 3
UY - Uruguay 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
KE - Kenya 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MK - Macedonia 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
BZ - Belize 1
GH - Ghana 1
JO - Giordania 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LY - Libia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
NC - Nuova Caledonia 1
PG - Papua Nuova Guinea 1
PH - Filippine 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
ST - Sao Tome e Principe 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 1
Totale 25.736
Città #
Santa Clara 1.503
Southend 1.261
Fairfield 1.199
Chandler 956
Jacksonville 822
Woodbridge 808
Ashburn 742
Houston 571
Nyköping 557
Dearborn 512
Rome 502
Seattle 461
Singapore 446
Wilmington 438
Ann Arbor 425
Cambridge 398
Milan 343
Modena 231
Beijing 188
Hong Kong 156
Bologna 143
Izmir 143
Princeton 140
Sofia 140
Des Moines 135
Eugene 130
Naples 119
San Diego 116
Redwood City 100
Padova 94
Helsinki 89
Florence 84
Bari 81
Catania 80
Turin 78
Moscow 71
Verona 68
New York 66
Palermo 66
Napoli 48
Parma 44
Jakarta 43
London 43
Los Angeles 38
Norwalk 37
Shanghai 35
Vicenza 30
Philadelphia 29
Dallas 27
Reggio Emilia 27
Trieste 26
Messina 25
Brussels 24
Genoa 24
Latina 23
Falls Church 22
Guangzhou 22
San Mateo 22
Brescia 21
Perugia 21
Phoenix 21
Torino 21
Boardman 19
Cagliari 19
Dublin 19
Krakow 19
Nanjing 19
Pescara 19
Udine 19
Barletta 18
Berlin 18
Chicago 18
Bremen 17
Como 17
Dong Ket 17
Frankfurt am Main 17
Hefei 17
Bergamo 16
Polska 16
Rimini 16
Trento 16
Mumbai 15
Bolzano 14
Campobasso 14
Istanbul 14
Kunming 14
Brno 13
Cosenza 13
Ferrara 13
Monza 13
Paris 13
Reggio Nell'emilia 13
Zagreb 13
Ankara 12
Capaccio 12
Caserta 12
Dongguan 12
Genova 12
Munich 12
Salerno 12
Totale 15.717
Nome #
Psicologia del linguaggio 5.061
La comprensione delle espressioni idiomatiche. Il rapporto fra significato letterale e significato idiomatico. 772
La metafora: da evento del linguaggio a struttura del pensiero. 429
Teorie della metafora. L'acquisizione, la comprensione e l'uso del linguaggio figurato. 338
Basic composition and enriched integration in idiom processing: An EEG study. 302
I sensi della metafora: sul rapporto fra percezione e linguaggio 291
Psicologia generale e neuroscienze cognitive. Manuale per le professioni medico-sanitarie. 285
Electrophysiological correlates of idiom comprehension: semantic composition does not follow lexical retrieval 280
Neural adaptation effects in conceptual processing 252
Further evidence on gender stereotype priming in language: semantic facilitation and inhibition on Italian role nouns 239
Neural correlates of the implicit processing of grammatical and stereotypical gender violations: A masked and unmasked priming study. 235
The Responders’ Gender Stereotypes Modulate the Strategic Decision-Making of Proposers playing the Ultimatum Game 232
It only needs one man – or can mixed groups be described by feminine generics? 227
The Development of Figurative Language. 223
“To accept or to reject? It depends on who proposes it”. An fMRI study on the Ultimatum Game. 221
Are complex function words processed as semantically empty strings? A reading time and ERP study of collocational complex prepositions 220
Predictive mechanisms in idiom comprehension. 218
When emotions are expressed figuratively: Psycholinguistic and affective norms of 619 idioms for German (PANIG). 217
Sex and the money: How gender stereotypes modulate economic decision-making. An ERP study 216
The comprehension of ambiguous idioms in aphasic patients 215
The psycholinguistic and affective structure of words conveying pain 213
The neuropsychology of grammatical gender: An introduction 207
Is Black Always the Opposite of White? An Investigation on the Comprehension of Antonyms in People with Schizophrenia and in Healthy Participants 206
Understanding figurative language. 204
“Res accendent lumina rebus”. La descrizione dell’esperienza sensoriale, ovvero dei rapporti fra percezione e linguaggio. 204
Pronoun resolution in Italian: the role of grammatical gender and context. 202
Exploring the relationship between individuals' speed of processing and their comprehension of spoken idioms 201
The electrophysiological underpinnings of processing gender stereotypes in language 199
Cognitive and personality components underlying spoken idiom comprehension in context. An exploratory study. 199
Is the noun ending a cue to grammatical gender processing? An ERP study on sentences in Italian 193
Motor activation in literal and non-literal sentences: does time matter? 186
The place of idioms in a literal and metaphorical world. 185
Is the comprehension of idiomatic sentences indeed impaired in paranoid Schizophrenia? A window into semantic processing deficits 184
L'attivazione degli stereotipi di genere in Italiano: un effetto automatico? 183
Compactness and conceptual complexity of conventionalized and creative metaphors in Italian. 183
When color names are used metaphorically: The role of linguistic and chromatic information 183
Different semantic and affective meaning of the words associated to physical and social pain in cancer patients on early palliative/supportive care and in healthy, pain-free individuals 182
The role of idiom length and context in spoken idiom comprehension 181
Literal analysis and idiom retrieval in ambiguous idioms processing: A reading-time study 180
Semantic productivity and idiom comprehension. 178
The role of ambiguity in idiom comprehension: the case of a patient with a reversed concreteness effect. 177
Anticipatory mechanisms in idiom comprehension: psycholinguistic and electrophysiological evidence. 177
Gender stereotypes across the ages: On-line processing in school-age children, young and older adults 175
Grammatical gender in the brain: Evidence from an fMRI study on Italian 170
The creation of new figurative expressions: psycholinguistic evidence in Italian children, adolescents and adults 169
The interaction between language and visual spatial attention systems in grammatical gender processing. An N2pc study 166
Gender-to-ending consistency and agreement processing in Italian: two independent effects? 166
Sex and the Money: Do gender stereotypes modulate economic decision-making? 165
Can perceiving letters of the alphabet cause spatial shifts of attention? 164
Per una semantica "ingenua" dei verbi di percezione. 159
ERP evidence for the activation of gender stereotypes: The case of Italian. 159
Children's comprehension and production of idioms: the role of context and familiarity. 158
Literal, fictive and metaphorical motion sentences preserve the motion component of the verb. A TMS study 158
Studiare all'università. Istruzioni per l'uso 156
Aspetti psicolinguistici della metafora. 154
Understanding idiomatic expressions. The contribution of word meanings 153
Idiomatic expressions evoke stronger emotional responses in the brain than literal sentences. 152
When words have two genders: Anaphor resolution for Italian functionally ambiguous words. 151
Imagining idiomatic expressions: Literal or figurative meaning? 151
Cloze probability does not only affect N400 amplitude: The case of complex prepositions 149
Metafore affermative e negative, con e senza contesto. 147
When dogs can fly: Level of abstraction as a cue to metaphorical use of verbs 144
Understanding idioms: Do visual images reflect figurative meanings? 144
The effects of different tasks on the comprehension and production of idioms in children. 144
The effect of semantic analyzability of idioms in metalinguistic tasks. 143
Figurative thought and figurative language, cognitive psychology of. 143
To break the embarrassment: Text comprehension skills and figurative competence in skilled and less-skilled text comprehenders 142
Comprensione e produzione di espressioni idiomatiche nei bambini. 141
The effect of workload and workshift on Air Traffic Control: A Taxonomy of Communicative Problems. 141
Is black always the opposite of white? The comprehension of antonyms in schizophrenia and in healthy participants 140
The semantic structure of vision verbs: a psycholinguistic investigation of Italian 140
Idioms. Processing, Structure and Interpretation 140
Crossing the senses in metaphorical language. 136
The Comprehension of Metaphorical Descriptions Conveying Gender Stereotypes. An Exploratory Study. 136
Processing multiword idiomatic strings: many words in one? 135
Comprehending idiomatic expressions: the role of individual speed of processing. 134
Psicologia del linguaggio. 134
Effetti della religione sulla risposta neurofisiologica all’errore 134
Sex and the Money: Do gender stereotypes modulate economic decision-making? 134
Aspettative semantiche e espressioni idiomatiche: aspetti psicolinguistici e evidenze elettrofisiologiche. 133
Influenza di fattori psicofisiologici sul comportamento alla guida. Abstract book del Convegno “La ricerca scientifica per la sanità pubblica” della Società Italiana di Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica - Sezione Emilia-Romagna, Modena 22 maggio 2006. 131
Reading comprehension and understanding idiomatic expressions: A developmental study 128
Capirsi al volo. Comunicazione e fattori umani nel controllo del traffico aereo 125
Electrtophysiological investigation of biological and stereotypical gender violations in a gender-marked language. 125
Studio pilota sui correlati biochimici e psicologici dei comportamenti alla guida. 125
Activating gender stereotype: A life-span perspective 123
Activating gender stereotypes in Italian during online language processing. 123
Brain potentials differentiate compositional and non-compositional processing of Multi-Word Expressions: The case of idioms. 123
Indagine conoscitiva di studenti dislessici in ambito universitario 122
Il genere grammaticale in italiano: quanto è precoce la sua elaborazione? 122
Speed of processing effects on spoken idioms comprehension. 122
L’attivazione del genere stereotipico delle parole: una prospettiva life-span 121
The comprehension of idioms. 121
The Role of Gender-To-Ending Consistency in Italian Agreement Processing 121
Preface [Similarity in Language, Thought and Perception] 118
Idioms comprehension in children: are the effects of semantic analyzability and context separable? 118
Words hurt: common and distinct neural substrates between physical and semantic pain 118
Totale 22.867
Categoria #
all - tutte 78.960
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 78.960

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.073 0 0 0 0 0 0 711 316 353 210 293 190
2020/20213.753 298 121 268 326 426 299 357 383 217 556 299 203
2021/20223.514 122 348 256 271 185 174 217 400 406 243 556 336
2022/20234.067 340 405 340 401 389 592 246 387 424 156 248 139
2023/20242.827 169 218 209 284 452 214 237 319 113 178 214 220
2024/20253.247 311 128 196 413 1.272 889 38 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 26.175