Mattei, Giorgio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 18.980
EU - Europa 13.921
AS - Asia 5.887
OC - Oceania 1.956
SA - Sud America 691
AF - Africa 416
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 18
Totale 41.869
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 17.243
GB - Regno Unito 5.272
IT - Italia 2.687
AU - Australia 1.766
CA - Canada 1.492
PH - Filippine 1.469
DE - Germania 1.002
SE - Svezia 695
SG - Singapore 589
RO - Romania 565
IN - India 549
HK - Hong Kong 489
CN - Cina 466
BE - Belgio 447
FR - Francia 412
NL - Olanda 409
TR - Turchia 333
MY - Malesia 291
ES - Italia 255
IE - Irlanda 255
ID - Indonesia 236
VN - Vietnam 230
BR - Brasile 229
JP - Giappone 218
PT - Portogallo 205
IL - Israele 203
PL - Polonia 200
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 185
FI - Finlandia 177
NO - Norvegia 168
TW - Taiwan 153
GR - Grecia 152
UA - Ucraina 150
ZA - Sudafrica 144
PE - Perù 134
CL - Cile 132
KE - Kenya 132
AT - Austria 131
CH - Svizzera 130
PK - Pakistan 130
TH - Thailandia 121
MX - Messico 118
CO - Colombia 103
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 95
BG - Bulgaria 92
KR - Corea 80
HU - Ungheria 72
DK - Danimarca 67
PR - Porto Rico 62
LT - Lituania 59
IR - Iran 55
LK - Sri Lanka 48
RU - Federazione Russa 46
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 44
AR - Argentina 42
SI - Slovenia 40
LB - Libano 35
HR - Croazia 34
MU - Mauritius 33
EG - Egitto 32
BD - Bangladesh 29
NG - Nigeria 24
NP - Nepal 23
VE - Venezuela 23
MT - Malta 19
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 18
EC - Ecuador 17
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 17
EE - Estonia 15
PA - Panama 14
CR - Costa Rica 11
GE - Georgia 11
GH - Ghana 10
IS - Islanda 10
BB - Barbados 8
BZ - Belize 8
CY - Cipro 8
EU - Europa 8
JM - Giamaica 8
LV - Lettonia 8
RS - Serbia 8
KZ - Kazakistan 7
LU - Lussemburgo 7
MD - Moldavia 7
IQ - Iraq 6
MN - Mongolia 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
UG - Uganda 6
AL - Albania 5
BN - Brunei Darussalam 5
BT - Bhutan 5
MZ - Mozambico 5
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 5
AM - Armenia 4
AN - Antille olandesi 4
JO - Giordania 4
KH - Cambogia 4
NA - Namibia 4
PY - Paraguay 4
SZ - Regno dello Swaziland 4
Totale 41.798
Città #
Southend 1.868
Fairfield 1.001
Houston 681
Ashburn 624
Chandler 613
Woodbridge 489
Melbourne 461
Seattle 440
Santa Clara 414
Cambridge 411
Singapore 408
Wilmington 382
Nyköping 363
Redwood City 323
Sydney 308
Dearborn 285
New York 274
Jacksonville 248
London 238
Brisbane 235
Ann Arbor 225
Chicago 217
Brussels 211
Modena 198
Toronto 192
Hong Kong 182
Rome 182
San Diego 182
Ottawa 181
Dublin 173
Los Angeles 168
Milan 154
Perth 150
Bologna 144
Philadelphia 138
Manchester 136
Helsinki 135
Quezon City 120
Glasgow 116
Central 114
Athens 113
Kuala Lumpur 111
Beijing 105
Brooklyn 103
Nottingham 99
Washington 99
Hanoi 98
Lima 96
Vienna 96
Nairobi 90
Davao City 89
Istanbul 89
Birmingham 85
Sofia 85
Princeton 84
Jakarta 83
Austin 81
Vancouver 80
Atlanta 79
Amsterdam 77
Bremen 77
Eugene 77
Nashville 77
Boston 76
Ho Chi Minh City 76
Manila 74
Adelaide 73
Taipei 73
Izmir 71
Cagayan de Oro 70
Montreal 70
San Francisco 69
Parma 68
Oxford 67
Florence 66
Liverpool 66
Minneapolis 66
Phoenix 66
Oslo 64
Leeds 63
San Jose 63
Bengaluru 62
Calgary 61
Santiago 61
Auckland 60
Durham 60
Mumbai 58
Dallas 57
Tallahassee 57
Tampa 57
Pittsburgh 56
Bangkok 55
Lisbon 55
Sheffield 54
Queens 53
Columbus 52
Somerville 52
Cleveland 50
Miami 50
Padova 50
Totale 17.758
Nome #
Minority stress and mental health among LGBT populations: an update on the evidence 22.958
Efficacy of animal assisted therapy on people with mental disorders: an update on the evidence 2.555
Fashion industry as a source of inspiration for the 'Mental Health Department 4.0': an overview 2.317
Mental health, work and care: the value of multidisciplinary collaboration in psychiatry and occupational medicine 734
Impact of a day hospital facility on type and length of hospital stay: a cost-effectiveness analysis 609
COVID-19 e Pubblica Amministrazione: implicazioni dello smart working per il management e per la salute mentale dei lavoratori 487
Politiche del lavoro e salute mentale: L'integrazione socio-assistenziale come strumento per favorire percorsi di recovery 390
Translation and validation of an Italian language version of the Religious Beliefs and Mental Illness Stigma Scale (I-RBMIS) 353
Unemployment and suicide in Italy: evidence of a long-run association mitigated by public unemployment spending 332
Association between anxiety and depressive symptoms with metabolic syndrome in primary care: Results of an Italian cross-sectional study involving outpatients 282
Cardiovascular risk factors, anxiety symptoms and inflammation markers: Evidence of association from a cross-sectional study 277
An Italian observational study on subclinical cardiovascular risk factors and depressive symptomatology. A suggestion for the potential utility of a sinergic cardio-psychiatric perspective 274
Metabolic Syndrome, Anxiety and Depression in a Sample of Italian Primary Care Patients 267
Impact of the economic crises on suicide in Italy: an empirical analysis on the moderating role of active labor market programs 265
Effectiveness and acceptability of psycho-education group intervention for people hospitalized in psychiatric wards and nurses 259
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and of symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients undergoing colonoscopy 258
Situazione, qualità della vita e trattamento di persone dimesse dall'Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario di Reggio Emilia: Follow up a due anni 257
How are personality traits and physical activity involved in colorectal carcinogenesis? A cross-sectional study on patients undergoing colonoscopy 252
Apple or pear? A cross sectional study on the association between body shape and symptoms of anxiety and depression in primary care female patients 230
Affective and sexual needs of residents in psychiatric facilities 230
Association between symptoms of anxiety and depression and BMI in Primary Care patients: a cross sectional study 226
Is hyperglycemia associated with anxious-depressive symptoms? An Italian study in primary care setting 223
La relazione tra credito e comportamento suicidario in Italia 222
Association of blood pressure with anxiety and depression in a sample of primary care patients 214
Use and Propensity to Use Substances as Cognitive Enhancers in Italian Medical Students 212
Short-term effects of the 2008 Great Recession on the health of the Italian population: an ecological study 206
Attempted suicide: Study of the phenomenon in a sample of patients in the province of Modena 196
Indicators of Complex Care During the Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Activity at the Transplant Center of the Policlinico Hospital, Modena 196
Impact of the economic crisis on health-related behaviors in Italy 195
Is low blood pressure always healthy? Evidence of an inverse association between depressive symptoms and arterial blood pressure in a primary care sample 195
Stability of Psychiatric Diagnoses in Candidates to Liver Transplantation Referred to a Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Service 191
Liaison psychiatry - is it possible? 189
The Association Between Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Results From an Italian Cross-Sectional Study 189
Personality traits and physical activity may be involved in colorectal carcinogenesis: preliminary data from a cross-sectional study on patients undergoing colonoscopy 187
International Study of Student Career Choice in Psychiatry (ISoSCCiP): results from Modena, Italy 185
The impact on mental health of the economic recession in the district of Sassuolo (Modena): opinions of local occupational physicians. 182
Predictive factors of hospitalization related to the caregiver burden in older adults presenting to the emergency department 181
The burden of attempted suicide: The attitude of emergency services workers 176
Analisi retrospettiva di una serie di stalker violenti [Analisi retrospettiva di una serie di stalker violenti] 173
Mental health and gambling in Italy during the economic crisis 172
Young and burnt? Italian contribution to the international BurnOut Syndrome Study (BOSS) among residents in psychiatry 171
Occupational health physicians and the impact of the Great Recession on the health of workers: a qualitative study 170
Affective and sexual needs of residents in psychiatric facilities: A qualitative approach 170
Impact of anxiety-depressive symptoms on outpatients’ quality of life: Preliminary results from an Italian observational study 167
Eating disorders in male patients: medical and psychiatric co-morbidity 166
The relationship between credit and suicide in Italy 159
Consultation-liaison psychiatry and the “Women Wellness Project”: analysis of the association between cardiovascular risk factors and psychiatric comorbidity 158
Psychiatric consultations in pre-orthoptic liver transplantation patients with substance use disorders: focus on timing of cessation and referral and retention by community service 157
La consulenza psichiatrica nel paziente candidato a trapianto di fegato Implicazioni per la clinica, la formazione e la ricerca 154
Internet as a tool to estimate psychiatrists’ opinions on consultation activity in the Emergency Room: a mix-method survey 153
Role of metabolic, atherogenic and psychological factors in patients with colorectal adenomas 145
Effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation programs carried out according to the Emilia-Romagna Regional Act 14/2015 141
Esiste una correlazione fra BMI e SAD nei pazienti dei medici di medicina generale? 139
Stigma on Mental Health among High School Students: Validation of the Italian Version of the Attribution Questionnaire-27 (AQ-27-I) in a High School Student Population 137
Clinical and Socio-demographic Variables Associated with the Outcome of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs: A Community-Based Italian Study 134
Stakeholders' views on vocational rehabilitation programs: a call for collaboration with Occupational Health Physicians 131
Impact of the economic crisis on mental health. Report of a multidisciplinary Seminar held in Sassuolo (Modena), June 17th, 2016 124
Group clinical supervision in adult mental health settings 124
Anche i medici sono cittadini 117
Diagnostic agreement between physicians and a consultation-liaison psychiatry team at a general hospital: An exploratory study across 20 years of referrals 117
Effectiveness of group psychoeducation on psychiatric inpatients 116
Is consultation-liaison psychiatry ‘getting old’? How psychiatry referrals in the general hospital have changed over 20 years 110
Collective trauma and experience of uncertainty: a comparison between the 2012 earthquake and the 2020 pandemic in Italy 102
Economic recession in Italy: a review of short-term effects on health 101
Factors associated with the transition of adolescent inpatients from an intensive residential ward to adult mental health services 96
Psychiatric referral in the terminally ill patient 95
Bio-psycho-social complexity of patients undergoing pre-orthotopic liver transplant compared to other clients of a consultation-liaison psychiatry service. 95
Psychiatry between politics and ethics: opinions of final-year medical students 94
Preliminary results of a multidisciplinary italian study adopting a psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunological (Pnei) approach to the study of colorectal adenomas 94
How does economic recession in Italy affect the health of Italian people? 89
Why candidates for liver transplantation should be considered as frail patients 88
Sarcosine as an add-on treatment to antipsychotic medication for people with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 87
Machine-Learning for Prescription Patterns: Random Forest in the Prediction of Dose and Number of Antipsychotics Prescribed to People with Schizophrenia 85
Impatto delle crisi economiche, dell'organizzazione del lavoro e della riabilitazione mediante inserimenti lavorativi sulla salute mentale in Italia 81
L'associazione tra fumo di tabacco e crisi economiche in Italia 73
Una riflessione sul ruolo politico del medico 72
Gender differences in Anxious-depressive symptomatology, Metabolic Syndrome and Colorectal Adenomas among outpatients undergoing colonoscopy: a cross-sectional study according to a PNEI perspective 66
Association between anxious-depressive symptoms and metabolic syndrome and its single components: an Italian cross-sectional study among primary care outpatients 61
Is Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry ‘Getting Old’? How Psychiatry Referrals in the General Hospital Have Changed over 20 Years 59
Impact of Antidepressant Prescriptions on Suicidal Behavior in Times of Severe Financial Strain 51
Le competenze per l’uso degli strumenti telematici in psichiatria e psicoterapia ai tempi del Coronavirus 45
Past, present and future of the Modena Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Service 12
Totale 42.339
Categoria #
all - tutte 88.225
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 88.225

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.796 0 0 0 0 331 622 456 295 313 208 377 194
2020/20214.616 288 139 352 350 502 463 355 455 429 530 414 339
2021/20226.288 383 350 423 499 416 403 376 439 944 746 784 525
2022/202310.242 573 608 658 1.325 982 926 741 1.015 1.049 878 858 629
2023/202411.332 530 538 804 1.036 1.435 1.007 1.181 1.211 656 1.222 1.026 686
2024/20254.018 642 496 687 1.034 1.159 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 42.339