Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 11.522
EU - Europa 10.667
AS - Asia 3.325
SA - Sud America 154
AF - Africa 78
OC - Oceania 58
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 13
Totale 25.817
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.425
IT - Italia 3.709
GB - Regno Unito 2.836
SG - Singapore 976
CN - Cina 921
SE - Svezia 822
HK - Hong Kong 743
DE - Germania 739
FR - Francia 433
RU - Federazione Russa 404
UA - Ucraina 227
TR - Turchia 220
FI - Finlandia 216
ES - Italia 178
NL - Olanda 169
BG - Bulgaria 144
BE - Belgio 123
IE - Irlanda 116
BR - Brasile 103
ID - Indonesia 93
CH - Svizzera 80
CA - Canada 76
IN - India 72
RO - Romania 67
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 56
AT - Austria 54
AU - Australia 52
IR - Iran 50
PL - Polonia 47
LT - Lituania 45
PK - Pakistan 40
KR - Corea 39
PT - Portogallo 35
JP - Giappone 33
GR - Grecia 31
MY - Malesia 29
DK - Danimarca 28
NO - Norvegia 24
MA - Marocco 18
MT - Malta 18
VN - Vietnam 16
AR - Argentina 15
DZ - Algeria 12
MD - Moldavia 12
MX - Messico 12
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 12
HU - Ungheria 11
BD - Bangladesh 10
CL - Cile 10
ZA - Sudafrica 10
EG - Egitto 9
EU - Europa 9
HR - Croazia 8
TH - Thailandia 8
TW - Taiwan 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
CY - Cipro 7
PE - Perù 7
PH - Filippine 7
PY - Paraguay 7
GE - Georgia 6
LV - Lettonia 6
NG - Nigeria 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
PR - Porto Rico 6
RS - Serbia 6
CO - Colombia 5
IL - Israele 5
KE - Kenya 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
AM - Armenia 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
BO - Bolivia 3
GH - Ghana 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 3
TN - Tunisia 3
BF - Burkina Faso 2
EC - Ecuador 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
LI - Liechtenstein 2
MN - Mongolia 2
NP - Nepal 2
RE - Reunion 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SD - Sudan 2
UY - Uruguay 2
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
IS - Islanda 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
Totale 25.805
Città #
Santa Clara 2.309
Southend 2.094
Chandler 1.066
Fairfield 932
Ashburn 754
Singapore 738
Hong Kong 679
Woodbridge 628
Nyköping 465
Dearborn 450
Jacksonville 447
Houston 425
Seattle 377
Wilmington 366
Ann Arbor 361
Modena 328
Cambridge 306
Beijing 285
London 278
Rome 271
Milan 158
Princeton 158
Bologna 145
Sofia 142
Helsinki 136
Moscow 132
Grafing 122
New York 112
Izmir 109
Eugene 104
San Diego 96
Parma 94
Council Bluffs 89
Redwood City 89
Dublin 88
Reggio Emilia 86
Bremen 71
Jakarta 71
Florence 64
Brussels 57
Shanghai 54
Boardman 53
Paris 47
Piacenza 41
Nuremberg 40
Verona 40
Naples 38
Los Angeles 37
Falls Church 36
Genoa 36
Central 33
Des Moines 32
Amsterdam 31
Padova 31
Munich 30
Timisoara 29
Guangzhou 28
Hefei 28
San Mateo 25
Carpi 24
Formigine 24
Brno 23
Nanjing 23
Wuhan 23
Cagliari 22
Trento 22
Vienna 22
Palermo 21
Vicenza 21
Barcelona 20
Dallas 19
Ferrara 19
Napoli 19
Brescia 18
Cesena 18
Montpellier 18
Madrid 17
Turin 17
Ghent 16
Norwalk 16
Son Servera 16
Villafranca Di Verona 16
Catania 15
Egham 15
Islamabad 15
Nonantola 15
Warsaw 15
Bari 14
Birmensdorf 14
Istanbul 14
Kunming 14
Sydney 14
Athens 13
Chicago 13
Como 13
Lappeenranta 13
Lequile 13
Melbourne 13
Oxford 13
Palma 13
Totale 17.074
Nome #
The SUCCESSO-TERRA Project: a Lesson of Sustainability from the Terramare Culture, Middle Bronze Age of the Po Plain (Northern Italy) 432
Humans and Water in Desert “Refugium” Areas: Palynological Evidence of Climate Oscillations and Cultural Developments in Early and Mid-Holocene Saharan Edges 311
The Botanical Record of Archaeobotany Italian Network - BRAIN: a cooperative network, database and website 310
Palynology for Sustainability: A Classical and Versatile Tool for New Challenges 290
The representativeness of Olea pollen from olive groves and the Late Holocene landscape reconstruction in central Mediterranean 275
Olea, Juglans and Castanea: the OJC group as pollen evidence of the development of human-induced environments in the Italian peninsula 275
The Significance of Intestinal Parasite Remains in Pollen Samples from Medieval Pits in the Piazza Garibaldi of Parma, Emilia Romagna, Northern Italy 259
A marine/terrestrial integration for mid-late Holocene vegetation history and the development of the cultural landscape in the Po Valley as a result of human impact and climate change 259
Environment, human impact and the role of trees on the Po plain during the Middle and Recent Bronze Age: Pollen evidence from the local influence of the terramare of Baggiovara and Casinalbo 252
Climate change versus land management in the Po Plain (Northern Italy) during the Bronze Age: New insights from the VP/VG sequence of the Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio 249
Archaeobotanical research and related ethnobotanical observations in the central and southern Sahara 245
Palynological evidence of cultural and environmental connections in Sudanese Nubia during the Early and Middle Holocene 244
Seeds/fruits, pollen and parasite remains as evidence of site function: Piazza Garibaldi - Parma (N Italy) in Roman and Mediaeval times 244
From influence to impact: The multifunctional land use in Mediterranean prehistory emerging from palynology of archaeological sites (8.0-2.8 ka BP) 238
Are Cichorieae an indicator of open habitats and pastoralism in current and past vegetation studies? 232
Proposals for rural landscape and archaeological site flora management: the contribution of archaeobotany through the BRAIN network research 232
Realising consilience: how better communication between archaeologists, historians and natural scientists can transform the study of past climate change in the Mediterranean 231
Morphology and discrimination features of pollen from Italian olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) 230
Archaeobotany and the Terramara Archaeological Park of Montale (Emilia-Romagna, Northern Italy): Experiences of Public Education. IANSA, VIII (2), pp. 175-186. 228
Tyrrhenian central Italy: Holocene population and landscape ecology 228
Pollen and macroremains from Holocene archaeological sites: A dataset for the understanding of the bio-cultural diversity of the Italian landscape 216
The city of Parma (Emilia Romagna, Italy) in the Roman and Medieval Periods: seeds and fruits, pollen and parasite remains 213
Wine consumption in Bronze Age Italy: combining organic residue analysis 213
Pollen from archaeological layers and cultural landscape reconstruction: case studies from the Bradano Valley (Basilicata, southern Italy) 207
The evolution of Roman urban environments through the archaeobotanical remains in Modena – Northern Italy 206
The History of Pastoral Activities in S Italy Inferred from Palynology: A Long-Term Perspective to Support Biodiversity Awareness 206
Palinologia e Archeobotanica applicate allo studio del paesaggio mediterraneo: modellamenti e impatto antropico durante i cambiamenti ambientali dell’Olocene 205
Supplemental material of the paper "Modern analogues for understanding pollen-vegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean)" 205
Plant Responses to Climate Change: The Case Study of Betulaceae and Poaceae Pollen Seasons (Northern Italy, Vignola, Emilia-Romagna) 204
Regional Vegetation Histories: An Overview of the Pollen Evidence from the Central Mediterranean 203
Plant micro-and macroremains from urban roman context of Northern and Central Italy 199
Plants, water and humans: pollen analysis from Holocene archaeological sites on Sai Island, northern Sudan 198
Multiscalar perspectives on Holocene climatic and environmental changes in the Sahara and Nile Corridor, with special consideration of archaeological sites on Sai Island, Sudan 196
Coprolites from Rock Shelters: Hunter-Gatherers “Herding” Barbary Sheep in the Early Holocene Sahara 193
Modern analogs for understanding pollen-vegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean) 193
The Pollen Reference Collection of LPP – UNIMORE 189
Piante & Uomo: etno e archeobotanica in Europa 189
The Botanical Record of Archaeobotany Italian Network - BRAIN: a cooperative network, database and website 189
Cultural landscape and human impact reconstruction by an archaeobotanical-biological approach 185
The Long-Term Perspective of Human Impact on Landscape for Environmental Change (LoTEC) and Sustainability: From Botany to the Interdisciplinary Approach 180
The city of Parma (Emilia Romagna - Italy). Seeds and fruits, pollen and parasite remains from layers dated to Medieval Age 179
Archaeobotany of urban sites: the macro (seeds, fruits, wood) and microremains (pollen, charcoal particles, NPPs) from Mutina – Roman Age, northern Italy. 177
Archaeobotany and the archaeological park “Terramara Montale” (northern Italy): a winner joint-venture. 177
Paesaggio vegetale sulla base delle analisi del riempimento dei pozzi al margine del Villaggio Grande della Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio 175
The Late Antique plant landscape in Sicily: Pollen from the agro-pastoral villa del Casale - Philosophiana system 172
Una ricostruzione archeoambientale del sito di San Vincenzo, villaggio del bronzo a Stromboli 171
The Holocene plant landscape of Gobero: palynology applied to palaeo-environmental and palaeo-ethnobotanical reconstructions 169
The agro-sylvo-pastoral system of 3600-3200 years ago (Terramare, Po Plain; SUCCESSO-TERRA project) 169
Geoarchaeological evidence of multiple climatic and anthropic triggers driving the breakdown of the Terramare civilization (Bronze Age, Northern Italy) 169
Cichorioideae-Cichorieae as pastureland indicator in pollen spectra from southern Italy 168
Il paesaggio agrario nella terramara di Baggiovara – Modena (XVII – XVI sec. a.C.) 163
Palaeoenvironment, land-use and palaeoethnobotany from archaeobotany research in Italy 163
Renaissance Gardens in Northern Italy: archaeobotanical evidence for urban environment reconstructions 160
Palinologia del sito di San Vincenzo-Stromboli (Eolie): una prospettiva di lungo termine sulle trasformazioni ambientali di un’isola mediterranea 160
L’ambiente delle terramare: territorio e vita di una popolazione dell’età del bronzo ricostruiti tramite la palinologia 159
1.36 million years of Mediterranean forest refugium dynamics in response to glacial–interglacial cycle strength 156
Palynology of San Vincenzo-Stromboli: Interdisciplinary perspective for the diachronic palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of an island of Sicily 155
Human-plant relationships in the Garamantian culture (Fezzan, Libya, Central Sahara) 154
The European Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) project 154
The archaeology of ancient pastoral sites in the territory of Montescaglioso (4th - 1st century BC). An interdisciplinary approach from the Bradano valley (Basilicata - southern Italy) 154
The SUCCESSO-TERRA Project: a lesson of sustainability from the Terramare culture, Middle Bronze Age of the Po Plain (North Italy) 154
The LPP of Modena and Archeobotany: research in Italy over the last twenty years 153
Environmental changes and human impact during the Middle to Recent Bronze Age in N Italy (SUCCESSO-TERRA Project) 152
Il sito preromano e romano del Doss Penede (Nago-Torbole, TN): la campagna di scavo 2019 152
La pastorizia nell’economia e nel modellamento del paesaggio mediterraneo. Esempi da siti archeologici del sud Italia. In: Cambi F., De Venuto G., Goffredo R. (Eds.), Storia e Archeologia Globale 2. I pascoli, i campi, il mare. Paesaggi di altura e di pianura in Italia dall’Età del Bronzo al Medioevo, pp. 245-252. Edipuglia, Bari. ISBN: 9788872287750. 149
Palynology of archaeological sites: the example of economy and human impact of the Metaponto area (6th-1st century BC) 148
Chapter 7. Archaeobotany at Fattoria Fabrizio. In: E. Lanza Catti, K. Swift, J.C. Carter (Eds.), The Chora of Metaponto 5: A Greek Farmhouse at Ponte Fabrizio, pp. 113-138. University of Texas Press, Austin. ISBN: 9780292758643. 147
Middle- to late-Holocene fire history and the impact on Mediterranean pine and oak forests according to the core RF93-30, central Adriatic Sea 147
La ricostruzione dell’ambiente di Difesa San Biagio in età ellenistica (Basilicata orientale). 146
La pastorizia nell’economia e nel modellamento del paesaggio mediterraneo. Esempi da siti archeologici del sud Italia 146
Sustainability in the Neolithic and the Bronze Age through the lens of archaeobotany 145
Digging up the roots of the Italian flora, 1. Fossil record of Lycopus (Lamiaceae, Mentheae) 145
Indagini archeobotaniche sui riempimenti delle buche da rifiuti e del pozzo nero di via Cavestro a Parma (X - XI sec. d.C.) 141
Pollen, NPPs, seeds/fruits, charcoals for reconstructing environmental and cultural changes between 3rd BC and 6th AD in Mutina (Modena) 141
Appendix D. Archaeobotanical Analyses: Pollen, NPPs and seeds/fruits. 138
The palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Bronze Age settlements of the Po Plain (SUCCESSO-TERRA Project) 137
Educational Activities proposed for tha trans-european exhibition "PaCE - Plants and Culture in the History of Europe" 135
Exploiting a monastic territory: a multi-disciplinary approach using GIS and pollen analysis to study the evolution of medieval landscape of the Jure Vetere monastery (Calabria Italy). 134
Palynology from Mediterranean archaeological sites for cultural landscape reconstruction 133
BRAIN – cooperative network and website 133
Primi risultati archeobotanici per lo studio sulla ricostruzione ambientale del sito del Bronzo medio di san Vincenzo, Stromboli 132
Landscape evolution and social resilience in the Balearic Islands since Prehistory. The study case of Santa Ponça (Mallorca, Western Mediterranean) 132
What about Dinner? Chemical and Microresidue Analysis Reveals the Function of Late Neolithic Ceramic Pans 131
Palinologia applicata al sito di San Vincenzo-Stromboli (Bronzo Medio) per una ricostruzione archeoambientale 130
Segnali di pascolo nei siti di Mutina 128
Palynology of the Terramare, the Middle Bronze age of the Po Plain (SUCCESSO-TERRA project) 128
Pollen evidence and the reconstruction of plant landscape of the Pantanello area from the 7th to the 1st century BC 127
Pioggia pollinica e qualità dell’aria: polline di Olea negli uliveti dal caso studio della regione Basilicata (sud Italia). 126
The dimorphism of Vitis pollen: a different palynological imprint of wild and domesticated V. vinifera L. 124
Sharing the Agrarian Knowledge with Archaeology: First Evidence of the Dimorphism of Vitis Pollen from the Middle Bronze Age of N Italy (Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio) 123
Polline di Cichorioideae quale indicatore di pascolo negli spettri dell'Italia Meridionale 121
Palynological approach to reconstruct pastoral activities: case studies from Basilicata, South Italy 121
Archaeobotanical Analysis 119
Osservazioni etnobotaniche sulle risorse utilizzate dagli abitanti della zona sahariana: Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrader 119
Indicatori microscopici di pascolo per ricostruzioni di paleoeconomia e paleoambiente: polline, spore di funghi coprofili e uova di parassiti 118
The palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio from the Bronze Age to the XVI century AD (SUCCESSO-TERRA project) 118
Totale 18.634
Categoria #
all - tutte 96.255
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 96.255

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020689 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 142 167 77
2020/20212.973 359 73 231 245 287 319 326 353 169 247 225 139
2021/20223.032 147 313 205 220 118 256 131 207 369 267 454 345
2022/20234.287 415 445 254 415 472 451 177 440 481 144 325 268
2023/20243.270 221 160 175 263 553 330 221 357 128 206 211 445
2024/20256.527 327 205 378 806 1.780 1.347 701 605 378 0 0 0
Totale 26.227