COLIVA, Annalisa
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.438
EU - Europa 5.888
AS - Asia 2.076
SA - Sud America 41
OC - Oceania 18
AF - Africa 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 14
Totale 17.490
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.384
GB - Regno Unito 1.746
IT - Italia 1.738
SE - Svezia 657
CN - Cina 632
SG - Singapore 586
DE - Germania 439
HK - Hong Kong 433
UA - Ucraina 382
TR - Turchia 292
FR - Francia 281
FI - Finlandia 235
BG - Bulgaria 153
CA - Canada 44
IE - Irlanda 42
CH - Svizzera 28
ES - Italia 25
RU - Federazione Russa 25
BE - Belgio 24
VN - Vietnam 24
NL - Olanda 23
BR - Brasile 22
ID - Indonesia 19
JP - Giappone 17
AU - Australia 15
PH - Filippine 13
IN - India 12
IR - Iran 12
EU - Europa 11
NO - Norvegia 11
AT - Austria 10
KR - Corea 10
ZA - Sudafrica 10
GR - Grecia 9
MX - Messico 9
RS - Serbia 8
LT - Lituania 7
PE - Perù 7
PL - Polonia 7
MY - Malesia 6
PT - Portogallo 6
RO - Romania 6
AL - Albania 5
AR - Argentina 5
HR - Croazia 5
CL - Cile 4
IL - Israele 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
IQ - Iraq 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
SI - Slovenia 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CO - Colombia 2
EG - Egitto 2
KE - Kenya 2
LI - Liechtenstein 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
SM - San Marino 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
JO - Giordania 1
KH - Cambogia 1
PY - Paraguay 1
QA - Qatar 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 17.490
Città #
Santa Clara 1.549
Southend 1.478
Fairfield 894
Jacksonville 855
Chandler 682
Woodbridge 592
Ashburn 574
Singapore 467
Dearborn 466
Houston 444
Hong Kong 428
Wilmington 365
Nyköping 328
Seattle 313
Beijing 289
Cambridge 281
Ann Arbor 280
Princeton 173
Milan 162
Izmir 160
Sofia 153
Eugene 146
Modena 144
Helsinki 118
San Diego 106
Redwood City 95
Rome 85
Des Moines 83
Bologna 76
Florence 57
Dublin 41
Irvine 39
Boardman 35
London 32
Turin 28
Dong Ket 22
Hefei 22
Brussels 20
New York 20
Norwalk 20
Palermo 20
Jakarta 18
Naples 17
Ottawa 17
Parma 17
Reggio Emilia 16
Verona 16
Dongguan 15
Guangzhou 15
Figline Valdarno 14
Shanghai 14
Torino 14
Nanjing 12
Phoenix 12
Chiswick 11
Los Angeles 11
Lugano 11
Durban 10
Genoa 10
Lucca 10
Pisa 10
Toronto 10
Cascina 9
Santhià 9
Athens 8
Brescia 8
Partanna 8
Amsterdam 7
Atlanta 7
Chicago 7
Edinburgh 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Hangzhou 7
Hounslow 7
Indiana 7
Kilburn 7
Munich 7
Oslo 7
Padova 7
Sambuceto 7
Arezzo 6
Bari 6
Berkswell 6
Foligno 6
Gorgonzola 6
Grafing 6
Kunming 6
Limiti 6
Maceió 6
Nanchang 6
Perth 6
Wuhan 6
Buggiano 5
Chongqing 5
Coventry 5
Falkenstein 5
Jinan 5
Lamezia Terme 5
Lima 5
Lisbon 5
Totale 12.667
Nome #
Wittgenstein su rito, filosofia, scienza e progresso. Quattro temi a partire dalle Note sul Ramo d’oro di Frazer 321
Teorie della conoscenza. Il dibattito contemporaneo 318
In Quest of a Wittgensteinian Hinge Epistemology 241
Stopping points: ‘I’, immunity and the real guarantee 230
Wittgenstein, self-knowledge and nature 224
How to commit Moore's paradox 205
Relativism and hinge epistemology 200
Knowledge Dissemination in the Digital Era. Language and Episteme. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. 18-20 October, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Italy 196
Practical knowledge and linguistic competence 195
Scetticismo. Dubbio, paradosso e conoscenza 193
Dialetheism in Action: A New Strategy for Solving the Equal Validity Paradox 190
I modi del relativismo 189
The Varieties of Self-Knowledge 183
What anti-realism about hinges could possibly be? 179
Iride 173
Extended Rationality. A Hinge Epistemology 167
Hinges and Certainty. A Précis of Moore and Wittgenstein. Scepticism, Certainty and Common Sense 164
Human diagrammatic reasoning and seeing-as 163
Strange bedfellows: on Pritchard’s disjunctivist hinge epistemology 162
Was Wittgenstein an epistemic relativist? 161
Which hinge epistemology? 161
Disagreeing with myself: doxastic commitments and intrapersonal disagreement 160
Notes on Italian philosophy, peer-reviews and 'la corruttela' 159
Skepticism and Justification 150
Self-knowing interpreters 150
Basic disagreement, basic contextualism and basic relativism 149
Some observations on François Recanati's Mental Files 149
Précis of Extended Rationality. A Hinge Epistemology 148
Against neo-wittgensteinian entitlements 148
Moore's Proof and Martin Davies's epistemic projects 147
The Gettier problem and context 146
Varieties of failure (of warrant transmission--what else?!) 144
Wittgenstein's later philosophy 143
Lo scetticismo sull'esistenza del mondo esterno 142
Peacocke's self-knowledge 142
Review of Jordi Fernandez "Transparent Minds", Oxford University Press 142
Thought Insertion and Immunity to Error through Misidentification 140
Introduzione [Lo scetticismo] 140
The paradox of Moore's proof of an external world 139
Filosofia del linguaggio. Un'introduzione contemporanea 138
Moore's proof, liberals and conservatives. Is there a (Wittgensteinian) third way? 137
Filosofia analitica. Temi e problemi 136
Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel [CONVEGNO] 135
Eva Picardi on Language, Analysis and History 135
“Self-knowledge and commitments" 133
Alcune osservazioni su verità, relativismo, filosofia e dibattito pubblico. Note intorno a "Per la verità" di Diego Marconi 133
One variety of self-knowledge: constitutivism as constructivism 133
Moore: scetticismo e senso comune 132
Moderatism, transmission failures, closure and Humean scepticism 132
What Do Philosophers Do? Maddy, Moore and Wittgenstein 131
Relativismo e differenza chez Wittgenstein 129
Mind, Language and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium 128
How to perceive reasons 128
European Epistemology Network Meeting [MEETING] 127
Truth-relativists can't trump moral progress 124
Proof of an external world: transmission-failure, begging the question or dialectical ineffectiveness?—Moore, Wright and Pryor 123
Il puzzle della Prova del mondo esterno di Moore 122
Epistemic Pluralism 122
Wright and McDowell on the Content of Experience and the Justification of Empirical Beliefs 121
Achilles, the tortoise and hinge epistemology for basic logical laws 121
Replies 120
Knowledge and Justification 116
La verità di Rorty tra Vattimo e Marconi 116
I concetti. 115
Epistemologia (o della conoscenza) 115
Replies to commentators 115
Error through misidentification: some varieties 114
Crispin Wright 114
Knowledge Dissemination in the Digital Era. Language and Episteme [CONVEGNO] 114
Paura di conoscere. Contro il relativismo e il costruttivismo 114
How to be a pluralist about self-knowledge 113
"In difesa del contenuto non-concettuale della percezione" 112
Pensare. Leggi ed errori del ragionamento 111
Hinge Epistemology 110
Relativism 108
Faultless disagreement and the equal validity paradox 106
Cartesio: costitutivismo senza introspezionismo? 106
Dal senso ai sensi... e ritorno 105
Introduction [Skepticism and Justification] 104
"The first person: error through misidentification, the split between speaker's and semantic reference and the real guarantee" 102
Critical notice of Tyler Burge's Origins of Objectivity 101
Introduction [Epistemic pluralism] 100
"Wittgenstein: certezza versus scetticismo e naturalismo" 100
Wittgenstein, tra letteratura e scienze umane [CONVEGNO] 99
Wittgenstein, forms and styles of life [WORKSHOP] 99
Il disaccordo 98
Recensione di Nicla Vassallo *Per sentito dire. Conoscenza e testimonianza* 98
Moore and Wittgenstein: scepticism, certainty and common sense 96
Wittgenstein: philosophy and culture [WORKSHOP] 96
Workshop in honor of François Recanati [WORKSHOP] 96
Wittgensteinian Uncertainties [CONVEGNO] 95
On What There Really is to Our Notion of the Ownership of a Thought. A Reply to John Campbell 93
Premessa all'edizione italiana 93
"Pragmatics and testimony" [WORKSHOP] 93
Wittgenstein: language, practical knowledge and embodiment 93
Scepticism and knowledge: Moore's proof of an external world 92
Totale 13.797
Categoria #
all - tutte 65.922
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 65.922

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.057 0 0 0 0 0 441 449 341 255 172 257 142
2020/20212.317 262 84 212 145 222 195 235 281 102 289 176 114
2021/20222.153 79 269 117 228 60 122 89 139 293 182 285 290
2022/20232.294 278 203 152 161 252 366 61 245 349 52 120 55
2023/20241.859 95 105 185 186 264 118 184 190 235 45 68 184
2024/20252.560 261 110 122 271 1.275 521 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.723