REMITTI, Francesca
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.359
EU - Europa 2.843
AS - Asia 927
OC - Oceania 17
SA - Sud America 17
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
AF - Africa 4
Totale 9.172
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.327
GB - Regno Unito 1.276
IT - Italia 498
CN - Cina 330
SG - Singapore 273
SE - Svezia 272
DE - Germania 204
UA - Ucraina 148
HK - Hong Kong 121
TR - Turchia 116
FI - Finlandia 96
RU - Federazione Russa 74
FR - Francia 67
BG - Bulgaria 63
MT - Malta 39
CA - Canada 27
IN - India 26
LT - Lituania 24
JP - Giappone 23
BE - Belgio 16
NL - Olanda 16
BR - Brasile 13
ID - Indonesia 13
AU - Australia 12
ES - Italia 11
CH - Svizzera 8
IE - Irlanda 7
AT - Austria 6
VN - Vietnam 6
MX - Messico 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
EU - Europa 4
IL - Israele 4
KR - Corea 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PT - Portogallo 3
AR - Argentina 2
MD - Moldavia 2
RO - Romania 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CL - Cile 1
EG - Egitto 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IR - Iran 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MY - Malesia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PL - Polonia 1
QA - Qatar 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 9.172
Città #
Southend 1.104
Santa Clara 792
Fairfield 556
Chandler 443
Woodbridge 352
Houston 345
Jacksonville 321
Ashburn 305
Ann Arbor 238
Dearborn 225
Singapore 221
Seattle 199
Wilmington 180
Cambridge 170
Nyköping 159
Modena 127
Hong Kong 120
Beijing 97
New York 70
Princeton 65
Sofia 62
Eugene 58
San Diego 53
Des Moines 49
Izmir 49
Bremen 42
Helsinki 42
Redwood City 36
Bologna 31
Falls Church 25
Rome 25
Los Angeles 24
Cardiff 23
Moscow 21
Toronto 20
Boardman 16
Frankfurt am Main 16
Brussels 15
London 14
Milan 14
Norwalk 14
Shanghai 14
Nanjing 13
Jakarta 12
Monza 11
Chicago 10
Kunming 9
Munich 9
Parma 9
Florence 8
Jinan 8
Dublin 7
Barcelona 6
Dong Ket 6
Hefei 6
Padova 6
Saint Petersburg 6
Turin 6
Verona 6
Vienna 6
Birkirkara 5
Genoa 5
Greenbrae 5
Mexico 5
Phoenix 5
Shenyang 5
Chengdu 4
Chiswick 4
Dallas 4
Fgura 4
Guangzhou 4
Gżira 4
Hebei 4
Istanbul 4
Kiel 4
Kilburn 4
Lancenigo-Villorba 4
Mandres 4
Paris 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Silchar 4
Sydney 4
Tokyo 4
Torino 4
Wuhan 4
Zhengzhou 4
Zushi 4
Ankara 3
Assisi 3
Campbell River 3
Dongguan 3
Durham 3
Lappeenranta 3
Lausanne 3
Marseille 3
Nanchang 3
Pistoia 3
Pontypridd 3
Potsdam 3
San Benedetto del Tronto 3
Totale 7.049
Nome #
Multidisciplinary geological excursion in the open-air laboratory of the Island of Malta. 11-18 November 2010. Field-Trip Guide. 756
Fluid-related deformation processes at the up- and downdip limits of the subduction thrust seismogenic zone: What do the rocks tell us? 293
From soft sediment deformation to fluid assisted faulting in the shallow part of a subduction megathrust analogue: the Sestola Vidiciatico tectonic Unit (Northern Apennines, Italy) 246
Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the frontal part of an ancient subduction complex at the transition from accretion to erosion: the case of the Ligurian wedge of the Northern Apennines, Italy 233
Frictional properties of fault zone gouges from the J-FAST drilling project (Mw9.0 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake) 208
Internal structure and tectonic evolution of an underthrust tectonic mélange: the Sestola-Vidiciatico tectonic unit of the Northern Apennines, Italy 202
Structure and lithology of the Japan Trench subduction plate boundary fault 199
Early exhumation of underthrust units near the toe of an ancient erosive subduction zone: A case study from the Northern Apennines of Italy 198
The aseismic-seismic transition and fluid regime along subduction plate boundaries and a fossil example from the Northern Apennines of Italy 195
Does subduction of mass transport deposits (MTDs) control seismic behavior of shallow–level megathrusts at convergent margins? 190
Deformation structures in the frontal prism near the Japan Trench: Insights from sandbox models 189
Structure and Composition of the Plate-Boundary Slip Zone for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake 188
Geological record of fluid flow and seismogenesis along an erosive subducting plate boundary 184
Deformation, fluid flow, and mass transfer in the forearc of convergent margins: A two-day field trip in an ancient and exhumed erosive convergent margin in the Northern ApenninesDeformation, Fluid Flow, and Mass Transfer in the Forearc of Convergent Margins: Field Guides to the Northern Apennines in Emilia and in the Apuan Alps (Italy) 184
Fluid history related to the early Eocene-middle Miocene convergent system of the Northern Apennines (Italy): Constraints from structural and isotopic studies 181
Incrementally developed slickenfibers — Geological record of repeating low stress-drop seismic events? 177
The thickness of subduction plate boundary faults from the seafloor into the seismogenic zone 173
Stress State in the Largest Displacement Area of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake 165
Toward a dynamic concept of the subduction channel at erosive convergent margins with implications for interplate material transfer 164
Structural constraints on the subduction of mass transport deposits in convergent margins 162
Miocene phosphatic hardgrounds of the Mediterranean and their biotic assemblage: new insights from the "Aturia level" of the Salento Peninsula (S. Italy) 159
Cyclical variations of fluid sources and stress state in a shallow megathrust zone mélange 157
Reconciling the Geology of the Emilia Apennines and Tuscany across the Livorno-Sillaro Lineament, northern Apennines, Italy. 156
Shear veins observed within anisotropic fabric at high angles to the maximum compressive stress 155
Internal structure of an ancient analogue of an erosive subduction channel: the Subligurian Units of the Northern Apennines, Italy 153
Revisiting the Geology of the "Sillaro Line", Northern Apennines, Italy 145
Geology of the High Sillaro Valley (Northern Apennines of Italy) 138
Insights into the deformation of an underthrust tectonic mélange from the Northern Apennines, Italy. 133
The State of Stress on the Fault Before, During, and After a Major Earthquake 133
Frictional properties of fault rocks along the shallow part of the JapanTrench décollement: insights from samples recovered during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Project Expedition 343 (the JFAST project). 130
Mass movements on the inner slope of a wedge at the transition from frontal accretion to frontal erosion: Evidence from a fossil analogue in the northern apennines of Italy 125
New thermal constraints on a shallow fossil subduction channel from the Northern Apennines of Italy 122
Early forefront exhumation in an erosive subduction complex: insights from the Northern Apennines of Italy 120
Internal structure of the shallow plate boundary slip zone for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake sampled during the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) 118
Underthrusting followed by rapid exhumation in the frontal part of an erosive subduction complex: evidence from a fossil analogue of the Northern Apennines, Italy 117
Double décollement zone bordering the subduction channel in an ancient erosive subduction complex: implications for seismogenesis 116
Relation between soft sediment and brittle deformation in a melange formed at the transition from subduction to collision 114
Mechanism of deformation in a subduction channel at the transition between subduction and collision: The Sestola Vidiciatico Example, Northern Apennines (Italy) 113
Microearthquake slip increments recorded in quartz slikenfibers, Chrystalls Beach accretionary complex, New Zealand 111
The transition from frontal accretion to frontal erosion:evidence from a fossil subduction complex in the Northern Apennines of Italy 109
Regional and local trends of maximum burial and exhumation timing in the Northern Apennines of Italy: a new updated dataset of low-temperature thermal and thermochronological data integrated with geological constraints 109
Deformation and Fluid Flow in an Ancient Erosive Subduction Channel: Insight from the Northern Apennines of Italy 107
Deformation in a subduction channel: anatomy of the shallow portion (T< 150°C) of an ancient analogue in the Northern Apennines of Italy 107
Stable isotope constraints on fluid-pressure buildup cycles and fluid–rock interaction at the frontal part of the early Eocene-middle Miocene convergent system of the Northern Apennines (Italy) 106
Direct and indirect evidence of material transfer from the upper to the lower plate: the integration between fossil and modern convergent erosional margins 105
Internal structure of an ancient analogue of an erosive subduction channel 104
New insights into the late Miocene extent of the Ligurian nappe on the Adriatic side of the Northern Apennines, SE of the Sillaro Line, Italy 104
Sedimentary response to frontal tectonic erosion: the example of the early Miocene Ligurian wedge collapse (Northern Apennines of Italy) 100
Lateral variability of the erosive plate boundary in the Northern Apennines, Italy 100
Finding Faults: Tohoku and other Active Megathrusts/Megasplays 99
Structure and composition of the plate boundary decollement in the area of maximum slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake 94
Collecting a multi-disciplinary field dataset to model the interactions between a flood control reservoir and the underlying porous aquifer (abstract) 94
Incremental Slip Along Dilatant Faults in Ancient Fluid-Rich Subduction Zones 92
Late orogenic deformation of the shallowest portion of an orogenic wedge: Coeval activity of extensional and compressional tectonics in the western Northern Apennines (Italy) 91
Material trajectories in the frontal part of an ancient subduction channel 89
Deformation and fluid circulation in an erosive subduction channel: Constraints from structural and isotopic studies of the ancient analogue of the northern Apennines of Italy 87
The thickness of plate boundary thrust faults: implications for Deformation mechanism and the rock record of subduction 84
Thermal and geological constraints for the timing of the activity the frontal part of an ancient subduction channel, Northern Apennines of Italy 84
Incrementally Developed `Dilational Hydro-Shears' Forming at High Angles to σ1 in Foliated Mélange Matrix 84
Mélanges and chaotic rock units: Implications for exhumed subduction complexes and orogenic belts 74
Inherited structures and lateral variability along a plate boundary shear zone in a convergent margin: The Sestola-Vidiciatico Tectonic Unit and the Subligurian Units of the Northern Apennines of Italy 66
Role of folding-related deformation in the seismicity of shallow accretionary prisms 49
Heterogeneity‐driven localization and weakening in scaly clays from a fossil accretionary prism 42
Mechanical behavior of the shallow part of megathrusts: hints from the Sestola Vidiciatico tectonic Unit (Northern Apennines, Italy) 40
Internal architecture of the frontal part of subduction accretionary prism: the role of folding in brittle diffuse deformation 36
Offscraping and shallow ophiolite accretion in the Ligurian Accretionary Wedge (Tuscan Apennines): role of seafloor structural inheritance 6
Totale 9.264
Categoria #
all - tutte 32.085
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 32.085

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.095 0 0 0 0 0 237 257 196 149 75 110 71
2020/20211.401 136 68 111 63 172 116 143 126 106 204 94 62
2021/20221.149 42 120 129 65 30 53 72 72 94 76 279 117
2022/20231.156 102 89 71 115 129 225 21 135 201 10 36 22
2023/2024717 30 53 41 62 172 38 63 83 25 42 42 66
2024/20251.396 62 41 58 202 645 388 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.264