DAL BO, Federico
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.197
EU - Europa 634
AS - Asia 535
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 2.369
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.182
SG - Singapore 324
IT - Italia 263
HK - Hong Kong 122
RU - Federazione Russa 95
CN - Cina 71
LT - Lituania 60
DE - Germania 58
FR - Francia 45
SE - Svezia 33
NL - Olanda 22
FI - Finlandia 21
GB - Regno Unito 18
CA - Canada 13
ID - Indonesia 12
ES - Italia 6
BE - Belgio 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
PL - Polonia 3
EC - Ecuador 2
IL - Israele 2
IN - India 2
IQ - Iraq 2
MX - Messico 2
PT - Portogallo 2
BR - Brasile 1
Totale 2.369
Città #
Santa Clara 1.070
Singapore 270
Hong Kong 122
Moscow 37
Beijing 35
New York 28
Bologna 26
Milan 21
Berlin 20
Amsterdam 18
Helsinki 16
Boardman 13
Munich 13
Rome 13
Saronno 12
Jakarta 11
Los Angeles 11
Romola 11
Ottawa 10
Modena 9
Turin 8
Ashburn 7
Assago 6
Bonndorf 6
Campobasso 6
Dallas 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Misterbianco 6
Naples 6
Lappeenranta 5
London 5
Novi Ligure 5
Brussels 4
Collecchio 4
Guangzhou 4
Mantova 4
Novara 4
Roncadelle 4
Secaucus 4
Wuhan 4
Brno 3
Cambridge 3
Capannori 3
Florence 3
Leipzig 3
Maisons-Alfort 3
Münster 3
Paris 3
Pescara 3
Porto Mantovano 3
Reggio Emilia 3
San Lazzaro di Savena 3
Shanghai 3
Ascoli Piceno 2
Baghdad 2
Bolzano 2
Columbus 2
Corneliano d'Alba 2
Ferrara 2
Glasgow 2
Granada 2
Guayaquil 2
Lisbon 2
Mogliano Veneto 2
Orta di Atella 2
Pamplona 2
Parma 2
Pollena Trocchia 2
Rosignano Monferrato 2
Saint-Denis 2
Sciacca 2
Tel Aviv 2
Tijuana 2
Toronto 2
Trento 2
Udine 2
Valencia 2
Vietri di Potenza 2
Warsaw 2
Americana 1
Bad Bellingen 1
Bagnolo San Vito 1
Bari 1
Bromley 1
Carimate 1
Clusone 1
Cologne 1
Fermo 1
Gatchina 1
Hounslow 1
Kilburn 1
Krakow 1
Kupang 1
Kürten 1
Lake in the Hills 1
Legnano 1
Lianyun 1
Nizhniy Novgorod 1
Olomouc 1
Potsdam 1
Totale 1.982
Nome #
Il poeta traduttore. Paul Celan e Ingeborg Bachmann si confrontano con Ungaretti 62
Gesù nel Talmud 52
Deconstructing the Talmud. The Absolute Book 45
Qabbalah e traduzione. Un saggio su Paul Celan 44
«L’immediata intensità messianica del cuore». Paolinismo nel Frammento teologico-politico di Walter Benjamin 43
Sull'entusiasmo 41
Che cos’è la teologia politica 38
Ebraismo 37
Cábala y Traducción. Un ensayo sobre Paul Celan 37
Emanation and Philosophy of Language in Yoseph ben Abraham Gikatilla 36
Traduzione come poesia: Bachmann e Celan interpreti di Ungaretti 35
Choq 34
Marcione o il Vangelo del Dio straniero 34
Un Dio visibile. Ripensare la teologia patristica 33
Bamah 32
Chutz 32
La lingua malata. Linguaggio e violenza nella filosofia contemporanea 32
A Foetus Shaped like a Sandal. Birth Anomalies in Talmudic Tractate Niddah 31
Il Leviatano come Dio mortale 31
Sul poetico 31
Hegemonies of Reading. Layout, Materiality, and Authorship in Early Hebrew Prints 30
Le’om 30
Papà 29
Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron). Latin and Hebrew Philosophical Traditions 29
Società e discorso. L’etica della comunicazione in K.O. Apel e J. Derrida 29
A contemporary midrash: Saramago's re-telling of the 'Sacrifice of Isaac' 29
Jesus’ Trial In The Latin Talmud. Tractate Sanhedrin and its Translation in the Extractiones de Talmud 28
Print, Power, and Cultural Hegemony. A Material History of Early Hebrew Prints 28
Chutz 28
Untying the Mother Tongue 28
A Reading of the “Epistle to the Romans” in Mithridates’ Latin translation of Giqatilla’s “Gates of Justice” for Giovanni Pico della Mirandola 28
Cinque trattati qabbalistici. Un’indagine preliminare di alcuni testi provenienti dalla Collezione Antonelli della Biblioteca Ariostea di Ferrara 28
Judaism, Philosophy, and Psychoanalysis in Heidegger’s Ontology. Harrowing the Heath 27
Choq 27
Postfazione. La filosofia della scienza di G. Hottois 26
Between the “City of Man” and the “City of God.” Levinas on the Biblical Institution of the “Cities of Refuge” in Talmudic literature (bMakk 9b-10a) 26
Massekhet Keritot. Text, Translation and Commentary. A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud 26
Goy 26
Leom 26
Dan Pagis e il Meridiano della Memoria 26
A Sage Understands of His Knowledge’ (mHag 2:1). Degrees and Hierarchy of Knowledge in Abraham Abulafia 26
Ibn Gabirol between Philosophy and Kabbalah. A Comprehensive Insight into the Jewish Reception of Ibn Gabirol in Medieval and Modern Jewish Scholarship 26
La testimonianza della pace. Derrida lettore di Celan 25
Appendix Glossarum. A Preliminary Edition of the Glosses Contained in the Extractiones de Talmud 25
Hebrew and Aramaic Terms in the ‘Extractiones de Talmud.’ Some Remarks on a Thirteenth- Century Latin Translation of the Talmud 25
Die „Opferung Isaaks“ zwischen jüdischem Midrasch und der Poetik des Aristoteles nach ihrer griechischen, syrischen, arabischen und hebräischen Überlieferung 24
Un Dio Visibile. Ripensare la cristologia patristica 24
Emmanuel Levinas' Messianism and the World to Come. A Gnostic-Philosophical Reading of Tractate Sanhedrin 96b-99a 24
“So then, the Law is Holy, and the Commandment is Holy, Righteous and Good.” Augustine’s Ambiguities on the Jewish Law 24
La Legge e il volto di Dio. La rivelazione sul Sinai nella letteratura ebraica e cristiana 24
Goy 24
The Lexical Field of the Substantives of “Word” 24
‘The Exile from the Law.’ Keeping and Transgressing the Limits in Jewish Law 23
“Smarrirsi in alto.” Su linguaggio e profezia. Appunti a margine di alcuni scritti di Maurizio Malaguti 23
The theory of 'emanation' in Gikatilla's Gates of Justice 23
L’utopia dell’angelo. Note a L’angelo necessario di M. Cacciari 23
Filosofia del linguaggio e morale della comunicazione in K.O. Apel 22
Testifying, Writing, and Putting God in the Dock. Elie Wiesel’s Novels and the Crisis of Traditional Theodicy 22
Tra la sabbia e le stelle: Scholem e la traduzione di Zohar 22a-26b 22
La Mística de los Palacios Divinos en Siglo XIII. Los Heikhalot Bereshit y Heikhalot Pekudei en el Zóhar 22
A Priest’s “Uncircumcised Heart.” Some Theological-Political Remarks on a Rashi’s Gloss in tractate Sanhedrin and its Latin translation in Extractiones de Talmud 22
Explicit and Implicit Gender Laws — “Incest” in Qumranic and Tannaitic Literature: A Halakhhic Struggle for Cultural Hegemony on the basis of Lev 18:13 22
Nihilism and Extremist Religious Education in Contemporary Israel. The King's Torah and its Discontents 21
“Bamah” 21
Il linguaggio della violenza. Estremismo e ideologia nella filosofia contemporanea 21
“Women Are Like Cattle.” Some Remarks on Early Jewish Judicial Vocabulary on Women and Nature 21
The Theological and Cultural Challenge of “Messianic Jews.” Towards a New Jewish Paradigm? 21
Legal and Transgressive Sex, Heresy, and Hermeneutics in the Talmud: The Cases of Bruriah, Rabbi Meir, Elisha ben Abuya and the Prostitute 20
Giqatilla’s Philosophical Poems on the Hebrew Vowels: Poetry, Philosophy, and Theology in Giqatilla’s Ginnat Egoz and Sefer ha-Niqqud 20
Leibniz on Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed: A New English Translation 20
Sexualities and Il/licit Relationships in Late Ancient Jewish Literatures 20
Du solltest dich verfolgen lassen. Eine theologisch-politische Auslegung vom Talmudischen Traktat Baba Kamma 93 20
The evolution of Rabbi Mordekhay ben Yehudah Dato's messianism: from his early sabbatical hymn Vieni O' sposa to his later vernacular texts 20
The Sephardic Task of the Translator. Ibn Falaquera’s Paraphrastic Hebrew Translation of Ibn Gabirol’s Fons Vitae 20
Market intervention and the common good 20
Traduzione come mediazione linguistica: Celan traduttore di Ungaretti tra italiano e francese 20
Textualizing, De-Textualizing, and Re-Textualizing the Talmud. The Dimension of Text in the Extractiones de Talmud 19
My Mother Tongue Is a Foreign Language’: On Edmond Jabès’s Writing in Exile 19
Il medico e la filosofia. Un commento a L’interesse per la psicoanalisi di Freud 19
Lo spazio della memoria nelle Confessioni di Agostino 19
Market prices 19
Ebraismo e filosofia. Levinas e la comunità occidentale 19
«Chi dite che io sia?» Gesù nel suo e nel nostro tempo 19
Mysticism and Political Extremism in Henry Bean’s Script The Believer (2001) 19
La teoria della nevrosi in Freud e il movimento della metafora 18
Il teatro del sapere: un’interpretazione della Repubblica platonica 18
‘If you will judge me to have merit.’ Isaac Aboab da Fonseca’s Preface to his Hebrew Translation of Abraham Cohen De Herrera’s Puerta del Cielo 18
Talmudic Angelology and the Tosafists: On Metatron in the Latin Translation of Tractates Sanhedrin and Avodah Zarah 18
Textualism and Scepticism: Post-modern Philosophy and the Theology of Text 18
Hebrew as “Remedy” to the Shoah in Dan Pagis’ Poetry 17
Market intervention and the common good [bis] 17
Economic speculation and the sacred 17
‘Inicium Creationis Iesu Nazareni.’ Toledot Yeshu in the Thematic Version of the Extractiones de Talmud 17
Jesus in the Latin Talmud. Judaism and Christianity during the Disputation of Paris in 1240 and Other Transcultural Issues 16
Jesus’ Punishment in Hell in the Latin Translation of the Babylonian Talmud. A Passage from Tractate Gittin in the Extractiones de Talmud 15
Paul’s Definition of “Circumcision of the Heart.” A Transcultural Reading of Romans 2:28-29 15
Franz Rosenzweig’s and Paul Celan’s Early German Translations of Yehudah Halevi’s Hebrew Poems 12
null 9
Totale 2.495
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.154
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 16.154

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024699 0 0 0 0 253 32 60 78 22 39 116 99
2024/20251.796 98 27 74 245 742 608 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.495