Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.964
EU - Europa 1.886
AS - Asia 403
SA - Sud America 42
AF - Africa 5
OC - Oceania 5
Totale 4.305
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.942
IT - Italia 967
GB - Regno Unito 366
SE - Svezia 172
SG - Singapore 122
CN - Cina 120
DE - Germania 93
UA - Ucraina 80
HK - Hong Kong 70
FR - Francia 69
FI - Finlandia 42
TR - Turchia 38
BR - Brasile 34
IN - India 24
BG - Bulgaria 21
CA - Canada 18
NL - Olanda 17
BE - Belgio 16
ID - Indonesia 10
RU - Federazione Russa 9
ES - Italia 6
IR - Iran 6
AU - Australia 4
CH - Svizzera 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
RO - Romania 4
AR - Argentina 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
GT - Guatemala 3
IE - Irlanda 3
LT - Lituania 3
PH - Filippine 3
PL - Polonia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
JP - Giappone 2
MY - Malesia 2
PE - Perù 2
RE - Reunion 2
BO - Bolivia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 4.305
Città #
Southend 302
Santa Clara 257
Chandler 207
Fairfield 178
Woodbridge 144
Ashburn 115
Jacksonville 111
Ann Arbor 105
Houston 98
Dearborn 92
Nyköping 89
Singapore 88
Hong Kong 69
Wilmington 64
Rome 63
Seattle 55
Cambridge 46
Modena 43
Milan 42
Beijing 30
Bologna 30
Fremont 28
Helsinki 26
Izmir 24
Princeton 23
San Diego 21
Naples 19
Sofia 19
Eugene 18
Bremen 17
Florence 16
Parma 15
Turin 15
Acton 14
Brussels 14
Padova 14
Bergamo 12
Messina 12
Palermo 12
Rimini 12
Catania 11
Bari 10
Jakarta 10
New York 10
Redwood City 10
Chicago 9
Shanghai 9
Verona 9
Birmingham 8
Brescia 8
Munich 8
Toronto 8
Des Moines 7
Napoli 6
Pontedera 6
Reggio Emilia 6
Siena 6
Trieste 6
Cologno Monzese 5
Faenza 5
Genoa 5
Hefei 5
Kunming 5
London 5
Los Angeles 5
Trento 5
Borzano 4
Brno 4
Chieti 4
Deventer 4
Falls Church 4
Georgetown 4
Mercato San Severino 4
Misterbianco 4
Nanjing 4
Osimo 4
Quarto 4
San Mateo 4
Amsterdam 3
Atessa 3
Castano Primo 3
Castelnuovo Rangone 3
Cepagatti 3
Chengdu 3
Dhaka 3
Fiesole 3
Formigine 3
Frattaminore 3
Fucecchio 3
Fuzhou 3
Hyderabad 3
Manchester 3
Marano di Napoli 3
Montesilvano Marina 3
Montreal 3
Nanchang 3
Oakland 3
Ottawa 3
Paris 3
Perugia 3
Totale 2.860
Nome #
Terapia antialadosteronica e prevenzione della cardiomiopatia cirrotica 503
Isomeri urinari della Coproporfirina in pazienti con Epatopatie Colestatiche Acquisite e sindrome di Dubin-Johnson 432
Trombosi portale e iperomocisteinemia in pazienti con cirrosi epatica 424
Clinical and molecular epidemiology of erythropoietic protoporphyria in Italy 279
Acute Intermittent Porphyria in a Child with Severe Neuropathy 252
Hyperhomocysteinaemia in chronic liver diseases: role of disease stage, vitamin status and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genetics 213
Antioxidant liposoluble vitamins and carotenoids in chronic hepatitis. 174
Urinary coproporhyrin isomers during therapy with IFn-RIBA in patients with chronic hepatitis due to HCV infection 170
Role of Multidrug-Resistance Protein 2 in coproporphyrin transport: results from experimental studies in bile fistula rat models 165
MTHFR C677T polymorhism and hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with liver cirrhosis complicated by portal vein thrombosis and hepatocellular carcinoma 157
Clinical, biochemical and genetic characteristics of Variegate Porphyria in Italy 156
Hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with acute porphyrias: A potentially dangerous metabolic crossroad? 147
Novel human pathological mutations. Gene symbol: PPOX. Disease: porphyria, variegate 145
Insulin resistance in advanced liver cirrhosis : the role of liver dysfunction and the “dissociated” effect on glucose versus lipid and amino acid metabolism 141
Portal vein thrombosis and thrombophilia in liver cirrhosis: a role for hyperhomocysteinemia ? 134
Markers of Endothelial Dysfunction in patients with liver cirrhosis with anh without portal hypertension 133
Plasma nitric oxide production during acute hyperhomocysteinemia in atherosclerotic patients and controls 127
Challenges in diagnosis and management of acute hepatic porphyrias: from an uncommon pediatric onset to innovative treatments and perspectives 123
Portal vein thrombosis and hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with liver cirrosis 115
Endothelial Dysfunction in Acute Hepatic Porphyrias 78
Recovery of chronic motor neuropathy due to acute intermittent porphyria after givosiran treatment in a young boy: a case report 63
Totale 4.340
Categoria #
all - tutte 14.197
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 14.197

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020394 0 0 0 0 0 74 123 45 62 28 30 32
2020/2021647 38 20 37 49 92 98 92 56 40 54 37 34
2021/2022519 30 40 21 65 17 25 14 34 41 60 98 74
2022/2023737 65 77 56 83 70 88 26 90 74 18 48 42
2023/2024567 35 39 47 43 85 37 50 80 26 27 40 58
2024/2025709 59 13 90 130 267 150 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.340