Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.810
EU - Europa 603
AS - Asia 366
OC - Oceania 7
SA - Sud America 4
AF - Africa 2
Totale 2.792
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.792
IT - Italia 218
SG - Singapore 130
SE - Svezia 105
CN - Cina 92
DE - Germania 90
GB - Regno Unito 71
HK - Hong Kong 71
RU - Federazione Russa 31
ID - Indonesia 28
BG - Bulgaria 18
FI - Finlandia 18
CA - Canada 16
IE - Irlanda 14
IN - India 12
MY - Malesia 10
TR - Turchia 9
FR - Francia 7
LT - Lituania 6
UA - Ucraina 6
JP - Giappone 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
AU - Australia 3
ES - Italia 3
PL - Polonia 3
VN - Vietnam 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BE - Belgio 2
BR - Brasile 2
CU - Cuba 2
EG - Egitto 2
GR - Grecia 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NL - Olanda 2
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
MD - Moldavia 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RO - Romania 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
Totale 2.792
Città #
Santa Clara 398
Fairfield 231
Chandler 180
Ashburn 132
Singapore 116
Woodbridge 98
Nyköping 90
Cambridge 81
Seattle 78
Hong Kong 71
Wilmington 69
Houston 63
Modena 50
New York 37
Southend 36
San Diego 33
Jakarta 28
Princeton 25
Ann Arbor 24
Munich 23
Sofia 18
Beijing 17
Dearborn 16
Helsinki 16
Bologna 14
Frankfurt am Main 13
London 13
Jacksonville 12
Eugene 10
Milan 10
Parma 10
Rome 10
Des Moines 9
Moscow 9
Dublin 8
Ottawa 7
Redwood City 7
Toronto 7
Mumbai 6
Norwalk 6
Bremen 5
Shanghai 5
Ciserano 4
Palermo 4
Cittadella 3
Dallas 3
Falls Church 3
Guangzhou 3
Izmir 3
Los Angeles 3
Monza 3
Mountain View 3
Perugia 3
Athens 2
Brescia 2
Brindisi 2
Brussels 2
Bursa 2
Campogalliano 2
Casalmaggiore 2
Concorezzo 2
Dalmine 2
Dong Ket 2
Erie 2
Foggia 2
Grafing 2
Hounslow 2
Hyderabad 2
Istanbul 2
Kilburn 2
Kochi 2
Lappeenranta 2
Monmouth Junction 2
Napoli 2
Paris 2
Prescot 2
Reggio Emilia 2
Riga 2
Shenzhen 2
Trieste 2
Varenna 2
Wuhan 2
Yokohama 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashgabat 1
Atlanta 1
Augusta 1
Bertiolo 1
Boca Raton 1
Boston 1
Brisbane 1
Brno 1
Brooklyn 1
Carrara 1
Castelnuovo 1
Chisinau 1
Chongqing 1
Cologne 1
Council Bluffs 1
Dubai 1
Totale 2.203
Nome #
Anatomic and radiologic relationships of neck structures to cervical spine: Implications for anterior surgical approaches 219
Facial sinus endoscopic evaluation, radiologic assessment, and classification 167
Molecular Mechanisms and Physiological Changes behind Benign Tracheal and Subglottic Stenosis in Adults 158
Novel Surgical and Radiologic Classification of the Subtympanic Sinus: Implications for Endoscopic Ear Surgery 156
The variants of the retro- and hypotympanum: an endoscopic anatomical study 136
Endoscopic transcanal approach to geniculate ganglion hemangioma and simultaneous facial nerve reinnervation: A case report 136
STenting veRsus balloOn dilatation in patients with tracheal BEnign stenosis – the STROBE trial. 135
Tracheostomy in the COVID-19 pandemic 128
Central compartment revision surgery for persistent or recurrent thyroid carcinoma: analysis of survival and complication rate 127
Prelaminated flaps in head and neck cancer reconstructive surgery: A systematic review 122
Management of Jugular Bulb Injuries during Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Our Experience 104
The role of endoscopic stapes surgery in difficult oval window niche anatomy 101
Tip of the Tongue Reconstruction with Prelaminated Fasciomucosal Radial Forearm Free Flap 100
Improvement of Swallowing Function After Surgical Treatment of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis: Our Experience 99
Endoscopic facial nerve decompression in post-traumatic facial palsies: pilot clinical experience 96
Disease-specific quality of life and psychological distress after endoscopic tympanoplasty 91
Spontaneous Nasal Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak Repaired With Single-Layer Mucoperichondrial Graft: Long-term Results 84
Transcanal Endoscopic Management of Glomus Tympanicum: Multicentric Case Series 83
pT3 N0 Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Oncologic Outcomes and Prognostic Factors of Surgically Treated Patients 54
Supraclavicular artery fascial flap (SAFF): a valuable tool in salvage total laryngectomy and hemipharyngolaryngectomy 53
Reply to “Indications and timing for tracheostomy in patients with SARS CoV2‐related” by Ferri et al 52
Endoscopic tympanoplasty type I for tympanic perforations: analysis of prognostic factors 51
Correlation of Radiologic Versus Endoscopic Visualization of the Middle Ear: Implications for Endoscopic Ear Surgery 51
Paraglottic Space Invasion in Glottic Laryngeal Cancer: A Clinical-Pathological Study 50
Microsurgical training using an ex-vivo model: microscope vs 3D exoscope 49
How reliable is assessment of true vocal cord-arytenoid unit mobility in patients affected by laryngeal cancer? a multi-institutional study on 366 patients from the ARYFIX collaborative group 34
The role of adjuvant therapy in pT4N0 laryngectomized patients: Multicentric observational study 33
A response regarding the facial sinus classification: its clinical and radiologic importance 32
Surgical anatomy of posterior tympanotomy: influence of the retrotympanum on round window exposure 30
Prognostic role of EAONO/JOS, STAMCO, and ChOLE Staging for Exclusive Endoscopic and Endoscopic-Microscopic Tympanoplasty 29
Multilayer Anterior Skull Base Reconstruction with Cortical Rib Bone Graft: Preliminary Experience 28
Expanded transcanal transpromontorial approach for acoustic neuroma removal 27
Squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to the lymph nodes of the parapharyngeal space: case series and systematic review 22
Totale 2.837
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.280
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 18.280

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020162 0 0 0 0 0 28 23 31 29 14 32 5
2020/2021546 26 10 29 46 136 26 35 43 29 53 93 20
2021/2022464 36 19 16 13 9 39 4 41 75 68 88 56
2022/2023495 42 73 31 46 56 66 8 47 81 9 24 12
2023/2024398 11 18 28 40 87 24 41 37 12 10 37 53
2024/2025689 27 19 32 116 284 211 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.837