Global warming and the resulting climate change are becoming more evident every day. In order to counteract these effects, the European Union, has proposed a new Green Deal program with the aim to reduce GHG by 55% by 2030 and to achieve zero net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. Among the various different greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by human activities, CO2 plays a leading role in the scenario of climate change. For sure, the shift towards a CO2-neutral society must base its foundations on a massive introduction of renewable sources into the energy system, which, having discontinuous availability, will inevitably lead to grid balancing problems. Due to its storage and transport capability, hydrogen has the flexibility needed to balance rising shares of variable renewable energy generation and to facilitate seasonal energy storage. On the other hand, it must be remembered that transport in general has a share of 16.2% (road transport in particular of 11.9%) of global greenhouse gas emissions and that, because of this reason, mobility solutions and transport technologies will play a decisive role in achieving the targets defined by the European Union. Hydrogen is the only potentially hydrocarbon free energy carrier that can be used directly as practical fuel for vehicles in H2 ICEs (hydrogen internal combustion engines) and FCEVs (fuel cell electric vehicles) powertrains and its diffusion in the transport sector could take advantage of an already existing necessity due to Industry and Power demand. Through the review of existing literature, the first part of this work, first analyzes the future energy scenario and the potential role of hydrogen in it, then it focuses on direct usage of hydrogen as carbon free fuel for H2 ICEs describing optimal H2 ICE general layout, H2 ICE technology critical aspects and specific combustion strategies suitable for overcoming them. Afterwards H2 production methodologies and supply pathways are discussed and finally a technical-economic comparison of different powertrain technologies is reviewed. By analysing existing literature from the research fields of energetics and automotive, the first part of this work provides an overview of hydrogen potential as general carbon free multipurpose energy carrier and, focusing on the heavy passenger car application segment, it shows the potential of H2 ICEs as suitable solution for road traffic decarbonisation. Having concluded the general discussion on H2 potential as a carbon-free energy carrier and, more specifically, as a fuel for internal combustion engines, the second part of this work focuses on the analysis of the best performance, especially in terms of emissions, efficiency and specific power, achievable by an H2 ICE and on its suitability for the application on a road legal sports car. The configuration of the research H2 SCE used for the test campaign is described, hence the experimental results obtained are shown and discussed focusing mainly on the definition of the combustion strategies more suitable to achieve almost zero emissions on the entire engine operating map, high efficiency at low and partial loads and high specific power at full load. The results demonstrate how promising the H2 ICE is as a propulsion system for road-legal sports cars already with the combustion system configuration used in this work. In any case, the conclusions highlight the limitations of the current hardware and, to unlock further performance potential, development activities and strategies aimed at overcoming them are proposed.

Il riscaldamento globale e i conseguenti cambiamenti climatici sono ogni giorno più evidenti. Per contrastare questi effetti, l’Unione Europea ha proposto un nuovo programma Green Deal per ridurre i gas serra del 55% entro il 2030 e raggiungere zero emissioni nette di gas serra (GHG) entro il 2050. Tra i vari gas serra immessi nell’atmosfera dalle attività umane, la CO2 gioca un ruolo di primo piano nello scenario dei cambiamenti climatici. È ormai certo che il passaggio verso una società a zero emissioni di CO2 debba basarsi su una massiccia introduzione di fonti rinnovabili nel sistema energetico, le quali, avendo una disponibilità discontinua, porteranno inevitabilmente a problemi di bilanciamento della rete. Grazie alla sua semplicità di immagazzinamento e trasporto, l’idrogeno ha la flessibilità necessaria per bilanciare le quote crescenti di produzione di energia rinnovabile discontinua e facilitarne lo stoccaggio stagionale. I trasporti in generale contribuiscono per il 16,2% (i trasporti stradali in particolare per l’11,9%) alle emissioni globali di gas serra e, per questo motivo, le soluzioni di mobilità e le tecnologie di trasporto giocheranno un ruolo decisivo per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi definiti dall’Unione Europea. L’idrogeno è l’unico vettore energetico privo di carbonio che può essere utilizzato direttamente come combustibile per i veicoli nei motori a combustione interna a idrogeno e nelle celle a combustibile e la sua diffusione nel settore dei trasporti potrebbe trarre vantaggio dalle già esistenti necessità di approvvigionamento dei settori dell’industria e della produzione di energia. Attraverso la revisione della letteratura esistente, la prima parte di questo lavoro analizza lo scenario energetico futuro e il potenziale ruolo dell'idrogeno in esso, quindi si concentra sull'uso diretto dell'idrogeno come combustibile privo di carbonio per motori a combustione interna descrivendo la configurazione ottimale di questi motori, gli aspetti critici e discutendo le strategie di combustione idonee a superare tali aspetti. Vengono poi discusse le metodologie di produzione dell'idrogeno e le catene di fornitura e infine si realizza un confronto tecnico-economico delle diverse tecnologie di propulsione ad oggi disponibili per il settore automotive. Analizzando la letteratura esistente nei campi di ricerca dell'energia e del settore automotive, la prima parte di questo lavoro fornisce una panoramica sul potenziale dell'idrogeno come vettore energetico privo di carbonio e, concentrandosi sul segmento automobilistico, mostra il potenziale del motore a combustione interna ad idrogeno come soluzione adeguata alla decarbonizzazione del traffico stradale. La seconda parte di questo lavoro analizza le prestazioni, soprattutto in termini di emissioni, efficienza e potenza specifica, ottenibili da un motore a combustione interna ad idrogeno e sulla sua idoneità per l'applicazione su un'auto sportiva omologata per la strada. Si descrive la configurazione del motore monocilindrico utilizzato per la campagna di prove; quindi, vengono mostrati e discussi i risultati sperimentali ottenuti concentrandosi sulla definizione delle strategie di combustione più adatte per ottenere emissioni quasi nulle sull'intero campo di funzionamento del motore, elevata efficienza a carichi bassi e parziali ed elevata potenza specifica a pieno carico. I risultati dimostrano quanto sia promettente l’H2 ICE come sistema di propulsione per auto sportive omologate già con la configurazione del sistema di combustione utilizzata in questo lavoro. In ogni caso, le conclusioni evidenziano i limiti dell’hardware attuale e, per sbloccare ulteriori potenzialità prestazionali, vengono proposte attività di sviluppo e strategie volte a superarli.

Idrogeno, vettore energetico verde e carburante privo di carbonio per motori a combustione interna: applicabilità generale alle autovetture e idoneità specifica per auto sportive ad alte prestazioni / Vito Calia , 2024 May 15. 36. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2022/2023.

Idrogeno, vettore energetico verde e carburante privo di carbonio per motori a combustione interna: applicabilità generale alle autovetture e idoneità specifica per auto sportive ad alte prestazioni



Global warming and the resulting climate change are becoming more evident every day. In order to counteract these effects, the European Union, has proposed a new Green Deal program with the aim to reduce GHG by 55% by 2030 and to achieve zero net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. Among the various different greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by human activities, CO2 plays a leading role in the scenario of climate change. For sure, the shift towards a CO2-neutral society must base its foundations on a massive introduction of renewable sources into the energy system, which, having discontinuous availability, will inevitably lead to grid balancing problems. Due to its storage and transport capability, hydrogen has the flexibility needed to balance rising shares of variable renewable energy generation and to facilitate seasonal energy storage. On the other hand, it must be remembered that transport in general has a share of 16.2% (road transport in particular of 11.9%) of global greenhouse gas emissions and that, because of this reason, mobility solutions and transport technologies will play a decisive role in achieving the targets defined by the European Union. Hydrogen is the only potentially hydrocarbon free energy carrier that can be used directly as practical fuel for vehicles in H2 ICEs (hydrogen internal combustion engines) and FCEVs (fuel cell electric vehicles) powertrains and its diffusion in the transport sector could take advantage of an already existing necessity due to Industry and Power demand. Through the review of existing literature, the first part of this work, first analyzes the future energy scenario and the potential role of hydrogen in it, then it focuses on direct usage of hydrogen as carbon free fuel for H2 ICEs describing optimal H2 ICE general layout, H2 ICE technology critical aspects and specific combustion strategies suitable for overcoming them. Afterwards H2 production methodologies and supply pathways are discussed and finally a technical-economic comparison of different powertrain technologies is reviewed. By analysing existing literature from the research fields of energetics and automotive, the first part of this work provides an overview of hydrogen potential as general carbon free multipurpose energy carrier and, focusing on the heavy passenger car application segment, it shows the potential of H2 ICEs as suitable solution for road traffic decarbonisation. Having concluded the general discussion on H2 potential as a carbon-free energy carrier and, more specifically, as a fuel for internal combustion engines, the second part of this work focuses on the analysis of the best performance, especially in terms of emissions, efficiency and specific power, achievable by an H2 ICE and on its suitability for the application on a road legal sports car. The configuration of the research H2 SCE used for the test campaign is described, hence the experimental results obtained are shown and discussed focusing mainly on the definition of the combustion strategies more suitable to achieve almost zero emissions on the entire engine operating map, high efficiency at low and partial loads and high specific power at full load. The results demonstrate how promising the H2 ICE is as a propulsion system for road-legal sports cars already with the combustion system configuration used in this work. In any case, the conclusions highlight the limitations of the current hardware and, to unlock further performance potential, development activities and strategies aimed at overcoming them are proposed.
Hydrogen, green energy carrier and carbon free fuel for internal combustion engines: general applicability to passenger cars and specific suitability for high performance sports cars
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