Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Brevi riflessioni sulla Responsibility to Protect nel quadro del sistema di sicurezza collettiva delle Nazioni Unite
2021 Carcano, Andrea
End of the Occupation in 2004? The Status of the Multinational Force in Iraq after the June 2004 Transfer of Sovereignty to the Interim Iraqi Government
2006 Carcano, Andrea
End of the occupation in 2004? The status of the multinational force in Iraq after the transfer of sovereignty to the Interim Iraqi Government
2006 Carcano, A.
International, Corporate, and Individual Responsibility for Conducts of Private Military and Security Companies
2013 Carcano, Andrea
L'occupazione dell'Iraq nel diritto internazionale
2009 Carcano, Andrea
Notable Cases of the European Court of Human Rights on the Right to Life
2020 Carcano, Andrea
Of efficiency and fairness in the administration of international justice: Can the Residual Mechanism provide adequately reasoned judgments?
2017 Carcano, Andrea
Of Fragmentation and Precedents in International Criminal Law: Possible Lessons from Recent Jurisprudence on Aiding and Abetting Liability
2016 Carcano, Andrea
On the Exercise of the Judicial Function at the International Criminal Court: Issues of Credibility and Structural Design
2020 Carcano, Andrea
On the Governance of International Judicial Institutions: The Development of Performance Indicators for the International Criminal Court
2019 Carcano, Andrea
On the Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in Times of Belligerent Occupation: Not Yet a Coherent Framework
2014 Carcano, Andrea
Requests for Review in the Practice of the Ad Hoc International Tribunals’, Leiden Journal of International Law
2004 Carcano, Andrea
Requests for Review in the Practice of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda
2004 Carcano, A.
Riflessioni a margine di un processo mai terminato: il caso Milošević e la sua rilevanza per la giustizia penale internazionale
2008 Carcano, Andrea
Sentencing and the Gravity of the Offence in International Criminal Law’
2002 Carcano, Andrea
Sul rapporto fra diritto all’autodeterminazione dei popoli e secessione in margine al parere della Corte internazionale di giustizia riguardante il Kosovo
2010 Carcano, Andrea
The Challenges of Populism: What Role for International Law Scholars?
2020 Carcano, Andrea
The Criminalisation and Prosecution of Attacks Against Cultural Property: from the ICTY to the ECCC via the Rome Statute and the 1999 Second Protocol
2013 Carcano, Andrea
The criminalization and prosecution of attacks against cultural property
2013 Carcano, A.
The ICTY Appeals Chamber’s Nikolić Decision on Legality of Arrest: Can an International Criminal Court Assert Jurisdiction over Illegally Seized Offenders?
2005 Carcano, Andrea