Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.321
EU - Europa 499
AS - Asia 224
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 2.048
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.321
GB - Regno Unito 185
IT - Italia 109
SE - Svezia 93
HK - Hong Kong 81
SG - Singapore 54
CN - Cina 47
DE - Germania 30
UA - Ucraina 23
TR - Turchia 19
ID - Indonesia 14
BE - Belgio 12
FR - Francia 10
BG - Bulgaria 8
FI - Finlandia 7
SI - Slovenia 6
IN - India 3
MY - Malesia 3
PL - Polonia 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EU - Europa 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
VN - Vietnam 2
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
BR - Brasile 1
IE - Irlanda 1
IL - Israele 1
MT - Malta 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 2.048
Città #
Fairfield 227
Southend 154
Woodbridge 112
Ashburn 102
Ann Arbor 98
Chandler 98
Santa Clara 90
Houston 86
Cambridge 84
Hong Kong 80
Seattle 80
Wilmington 69
Modena 46
Singapore 41
Nyköping 39
Dearborn 38
Jacksonville 36
Izmir 17
Fremont 14
Jakarta 14
San Diego 13
Brussels 12
Beijing 11
New York 11
Eugene 8
Princeton 8
Shanghai 8
Sofia 8
Phoenix 7
Boardman 6
Reggio Emilia 6
Helsinki 5
Sant'Ilario d'Enza 5
Bremen 4
Edinburgh 4
Munich 4
London 3
Los Angeles 3
Parma 3
Radomsko 3
Redwood City 3
Acton 2
Brno 2
Chiswick 2
Dong Ket 2
Goito 2
Jinan 2
Kilburn 2
Luxembourg 2
Milan 2
Osimo 2
Rome 2
Vedano Olona 2
Abano Terme 1
Amsterdam 1
Asti 1
Atlanta 1
Bologna 1
Buenos Aires 1
Caronno Pertusella 1
Central 1
Chengdu 1
Chieti 1
Copenhagen 1
Cupertino 1
Dallas 1
Dublin 1
Florence 1
Guangzhou 1
Gunzenhausen 1
Hefei 1
Il-Madliena 1
Islington 1
Kunming 1
Marigliano 1
Moscow 1
Mountain View 1
Naples 1
Napoli 1
Nerviano 1
New Bedfont 1
Prescot 1
Reggio Nell'emilia 1
Salerno 1
San Giuliano Milanese 1
Shenyang 1
Shijiazhuang 1
Stockholm 1
São Paulo 1
Tampa 1
Tel Aviv 1
Tianjin 1
Turin 1
Verona 1
Vienna 1
Zhengzhou 1
Totale 1.727
Nome #
Involvement of MAF/SPP1 axis in the development of bone marrow fibrosis in PMF patients 304
Deregulated expression of miR-29a-3p, miR-494-3p and miR-660-5p affects sensitivity to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in CML leukemic stem cells 282
miR-382-5p Controls Hematopoietic Stem Cell Differentiation Through the Downregulation of MXD1 277
miR-494-3p overexpression promotes megakaryocytopoiesis in primary myelofibrosis hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells by targeting SOCS6 249
Role of miR-34a-5p in Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Proliferation and Fate Decision: Novel Insights into the Pathogenesis of Primary Myelofibrosis 246
Calreticulin affects hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell fate by impacting erythroid and megakaryocytic differentiation 240
CALR mutational status identifies different disease subtypes of essential thrombocythemia showing distinct expression profiles 235
Role of TGF-β1/miR-382-5p/SOD2 axis in the induction of oxidative stress in CD34+ cells from primary myelofibrosis 235
Totale 2.068
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.061
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.061

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020308 0 0 0 0 0 70 85 50 43 21 26 13
2020/2021510 46 15 38 66 35 47 57 28 21 92 53 12
2021/2022219 21 2 39 23 6 9 12 18 18 19 34 18
2022/2023279 34 35 28 34 33 32 4 30 19 2 14 14
2023/2024182 2 7 9 19 21 12 74 6 0 7 8 17
2024/2025197 20 4 7 23 88 55 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.068