CORAZZA, Ruggero
CORAZZA, Ruggero
Dip. SCIENZE BIO-MEDICHE (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 29/06/2012)
[14C]Deoxyglucose uptake of the rat visual centres under monocular optokinetic stimulation
1984 Biral, G.; Cavazzuti, M.; Porro, C.; Ferrari, R.; Corazza, R.
Bilateral representation of sequential finger movements in human cortical areas
1999 Baraldi, Patrizia; Porro, Carlo Adolfo; M., Serafini; Pagnoni, Giuseppe; Nichelli, Paolo Frigio; Corazza, Ruggero; C., Murari
CNS pattern of metabolic activity during tonic pain: evidence for modulation by beta-endorphin
1999 Porro, Carlo Adolfo; Cavazzuti, Milena; Baraldi, Patrizia; Giuliani, Daniela; Ae, Panerai; Corazza, Ruggero
Correlation between amount of retinal afferents to the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal accessory optic nucleus and performance of horizontal optokinetic reflex in rat
1991 Benassi, Carlo; Lui, Fausta; Biral, Giampaolo; Ferrari, Renata; Corazza, Ruggero
Correspondence between the activation of the nucleus tractus optici and the appearance of optokinetic nystagmus in the albino guinea pig
1987 Biral, Giampaolo; Benassi, Carlo; Lui, Fausta; Porro, Carlo Adolfo; Cavazzuti, Milena; Corazza, Ruggero
Functional magnetic resonance imaging as a tool for investigating human cortical motor function
1999 Porro, Carlo Adolfo; Corazza, Ruggero
Neural circuits underlying ketamine induced oculomotor behavior in the rat: 2-deoxyglucose studies
1999 Porro, Carlo Adolfo; Biral, Gp; Benassi, Carlo; Cavazzuti, Milena; Baraldi, Patrizia; Lui, Fausta; Corazza, Ruggero
Olivofloccular circuit in oculomotor control: binocular optokinetic stimulation
1999 Lui, Fausta; Benassi, Carlo; G., Biral; Corazza, Ruggero
Pattern of brain activity during mental imagery of eye movements
2001 Lui, Fausta; Baraldi, Patrizia; Benuzzi, Francesca; Fonda, Sergio; Maieron, Marta; Serafini, M; Nichelli, Paolo Frigio; Corazza, Ruggero; Porro, Carlo Adolfo
Saccadic eye movements are impaired in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
2001 Lui, Fausta; Fonda, Sergio; L., Merlini; Corazza, Ruggero
The interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus, posterior bundle (INSFp) in the guinea pig: another nucleus of the accessory optic system processing the vertical retinal slip signal.
1989 Benassi, Carlo; Biral, Giampaolo; Lui, Fausta; Porro, Carlo Adolfo; Corazza, Ruggero
Vertical and horizontal visual whole-field motion differently affect the metabolic activity of the rat medial terminal nucleus
1987 Biral, G. P.; Porro, C. A.; Cavazzuti, M.; Benassi, C.; Corazza, R.