Cell-based strategies are today widely studied as possible therapies for wound healing. In this setting, fibroblasts play a key role since they are the main dermal cellular component and are responsible for extracellular matrix secretion. Several works report on the possibility of using fibroblast-derived extracellular matrix scaffolds for wound healing in skin injuries. While fibroblast-based substitutes have already been intensively studied by other groups, we focused our attention on the possibility of creating an adipose-derived stem cell (ADSC)-induced dermal scaffold for wound healing. ADSCs are a particular subset of mesenchymal stem cells present in the stromal vascular fraction of the adipose tissue. The aim of our work was to compare the ability of ADSCs and fibroblast to produce in vitro a scaffolding material, both in terms of collagen and fibronectin production. ADSCs turned out to be capable of efficiently producing a collagen and fibronectin-containing dermal matrix upon stimulation with ascorbic acid. We observed fibronectin and collagen production by ADSCs to be even more abundant when compared to fibroblasts’. Our results support the use of ADSC-induced sheets instead of fibroblast-based dermal substitutes as wound-healing strategies in full-thickness skin injuries.
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Paganelli, A., Benassi, L., Rossi, E. et al. Extracellular matrix deposition by adipose-derived stem cells and fibroblasts: a comparative study. Arch Dermatol Res (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00403-019-01997-8
- Dermal scaffold
- Fibronectin
- Tissue engineering
- Collagen I